G3CWI's Amazing Online Flea Market

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items for sale
Yaesu FL-7000 1.8 - 30 mhz solid state HFamp £930 boxed
40 foot 2 section heavy duto galve mast with 2 Winches and roto cage £500
MFJ 962D 1.5kw roller inductor ATU £190
ASTRON RS-35A PSU 35Amp heavy duty with both volt and amp meter £130
MDS RC-1G Digital desktop yaesu antenna rotator controller £125
MFJ-1260 UMC 2 MIC 1 RIG OUT 8PIN £70
MFJ-4716 MFJ remote antenna switch 6 pole 12v £160
ELTEC PSU FLATPACK2 48/2000 HE INPUT100-250Vac: output 53.5Vdc 37.4A £60
XYGAX Flatpack2 plugin power board V2 for above £12
HEIL FS-2 foot switch £25
all in good working order and condition app prices exclude shipping.
loc: lincoln
contact vp2mo100@gmail.com

Posted: Thu, 29 Aug. 2024
Expires: Sun, 8 Sep. 2024
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To contact me use richard@newstead.org.uk

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