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Things That Remind You Of Lee

It could be anything - e.g. a song, a musical, a film...anything.

OK, I've got the 'Songs Of Praise Big Sing' on TV and they've just had Shane Filan (from Westlife) singing 'You Raise Me Up'! For me, that song (regardless of who's performing it) reminds me of the Lee/Josh Groban duet on ADWD:grin: and the VTs that accompanied it ("You boys will be backing singers":laughing: ).

Re: Things That Remind You Of Lee

I listen to Radio 2 a lot at weekends (and a bit first thing on weekdays) and they are always play-ing songs that Lee has sung at some point. Only this morning I found I was thinking of Lee when they play-ed Robbie Williams singing 'Feel', which has been in Lee's 'Up Front and Centre' set at the Pheasantry.

The best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) was when they play-ed a live version of Gary Barlow singing 'Forever Love' (another UF&C number, the one he dedicates to 'Jodie', the girl who dumped him for his friend with the car, and one of my favourites) - and I found I had tears running down my face! (get a grip, woman, it was only a song .....)

I'm sure there are loads more .....

Re: Things That Remind You Of Lee

Two songs play-ed during the New Year fireworks are featured in this year's panto! 😁

Re: Things That Remind You Of Lee

Walking round the local M & Co last week looking for bargains in the sale and they were playing 'Collide'. Not Lee's version sadly but I still had to stop and listen to the end. :smile:

Re: Things That Remind You Of Lee

'West Side Story' is on - I found myself thinking of Lee during the song 'Maria'. He sings it so beautifully. I remember when the three finalists sang it on ADWD and Lee's voice was so warm and expressive. He'd have made a fab Tony!

Re: Things That Remind You Of Lee

The four coaches on 'The Voice' are singing 'Feeling Good'!:grin: Pity there's a bit of oversinging going on! Just sing the flipping tune!:face_with_rolling_eyes:

Re: Things That Remind You Of Lee

In the new Jackpot Joy (online Bingo site) advert, there's a man wearing a chicken suit that looks a lot like the one Lee wore in the Holby ep where they did the half marathon. I get Lofty flashbacks whenever I see it!

Re: Things That Remind You Of Lee

'Pride & Prejudice' (1990s BBC adaptation) is on the Drama channel at the moment. Colin Firth as Mr Darcy is definitely reminding me of Lee, with those dark curls and brooding intensity!:heart_eyes: