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Lee in New York

Lee has just "tweeted to say he is in New York anyone any idea if it is holiday or work ?

Re: Lee in New York

No idea. He's there with Brian McCann (Phantom understudy).

Re: Lee in New York

Dear UK fans,

Thanks for sending Lee over. We'll send him back one of these days. Here, in the meantime, you can have Josh Groban, Michael Buble, the entire cast of Glee, all the Jonas Bros., and Justin Bieber. No, you can't have Hugh Laurie back either. Yes, John Barrowman is coming back soon, no worries there. If you gag them and squint from about a block away, the Jonas Bros. will suffice I'm sure -- just don't let them sing.

With deep gratitude,

Lee Fans of America

Re: Lee in New York

Re: Lee in New York

Could be for audition or interview? Bit short for a holiday!

Re: Lee in New York

According to Denise on Loose Women she said I went away for 4 days with a friend because I was so tired and Lee is going away for 4 days next week,maybe it is just a little break we will see

Re: Lee in New York

Lee has just tweeted a pic from NY - looks like the beard has stayed!


How come I suddenly like beards??

Re: Lee in New York

I bet that will tickle a bit!!!

Re: Lee in New York

He looks like he's sitting in someone's kitchen...circa 1976!

I wonder if that facial hair is recreational or work-related?

Re: Lee in New York







Re: Lee in New York

Ditto that!

Re: Lee in New York

Well we know what he's NOT doing in New York - shaving!
Thanks for posting the photo A Liz.

Re: Lee in New York

Lots of guys give up shaving on holidy, must be a boring chore every morning. Plus they then have time to show us what they are like with designer stubble. But in Les's case may be about an audition.I like men with beards; wonder what Betsy will think not to mention DVO. Will he keep it?

Re: Lee in New York

He looks like a salty mariner, taking his break from sea-life. Perfect for * The Tempest * ;)

Re: Lee in New York

OMG!!!!!...Saturday morning just got better...
I'm not really a fan of beards either - but WOW! Lee looks gorgeous....

LOL!... e-m - yes I could picture him as a 'salty mariner' too.
'Hello Sailor'!... Phew!!!!

Re: Lee in New York

Lee has just tweeted it's his last night in New York. I guess he'll be home tomorrow night, allowing for the time difference.

Re: Lee in New York

Lee's just tweeted that he's back in London - and off to a rehearsal in 30 mins! Blimey! I hope he managed to get some sleep on the plane!

Re: Lee in New York

Looks like his travelling companion, Brian, has done a blog on twitter:

Brian's twitter

Scroll through till you find the tweets with Twitvid attached.

Re: Lee in New York

Lee is back in London and off to 4hour rehearsal according to his tweets. Poor lad. hope he got some kip on the plane. Thanks for link Liz. Looks like another coffee
Oh wow Hairy tired looking Lee saying bye at end...had to watch it twice of course.

Re: Lee in New York

So did I!

Some interesting camera work from Lee!

Blimey, that Daniel Radcliffe poster looked huge! They so should have had a huge poster like that of Lee in the white breeches for 'Wicked'...or Lee in a loincloth for 'Joseph'!

Re: Lee in New York

Thanks for the 'heads-up' and link A/Liz.
Glad he's home safe and sound - albeit quite tired after his trip unless he was able to sleep on the flight...

I agree with that Johartuk! - fancy him in both outfits!!! LOL!

Re: Lee in New York

Blimey, Brian was busy (or rather Lee was, if he was doing the filming!) - there are 18 of them!!!

Re: Lee in New York

Let's face it Liz, while the outfits are an added bonus, you'd fancy him in a binbag!

Re: Lee in New York

...Yep! you're right MargW...
Who wouldn't? tee! hee!...
I might be getting on in years (in 'me prime' really!LOL!) but I still know what I fancy LOL!

A/Liz.... 18 blogs!!!! - he still has his beard at the end of one of them!!! PHEW!

Re: Lee in New York

Please which number is Lee in? thanks

Re: Lee in New York

Awe, nice blog... but the least Brian could have done is turned the camera around once in a while and shot a blog of Lee talking

Nice camera work, though, Lee

Re: Lee in New York

Can anyone tell me which one Lee is in I have been through them 3 times can't find him would be so grateful

Re: Lee in New York

First one acer. Right at the end. Just waves Bye.

Re: Lee in New York

Thank you so much SueF very kind of you