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Magazine interview with Lee

There is a lovely interview with Lee by Argus The Guide.
Ro has very kindly put a link to the full interview on the
Timeline page.

Thank you Ro

Re: Magazine interview with Lee

It's a good interview.

I like what Lee says about singing - "With acting you've got to tell a story - it's not good enough to have a nice voice and sing a song"

Someone needs to explain that to singers on shows like The Voice, X-Factor and Britain's Got Talent!

Re: Magazine interview with Lee

I love the interview right from the first paragraph...

'VERSATILITY' is definitely one of Lee's many attributes and,
the more 'strings he can add to his bow' now, the longer and more secure career he will be able to build for the future...

Thanks Ro and 'Timeline'...and Maggiemay for this thread...