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Itazuke Alumni Association Forum
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Born at Itazuke

My father was stationed at Itazuke from 1959 - 1962, and I was born there in 1961. No memories of it since we left when I was less than 2. My parents didn't take many pics there, and I am curious to see pictures of the base from the timeframe we were there. Does anyone have any they could share via email? Thanks.

Re: Born at Itazuke

There are a lot of old pictures of the base on this site. Look under "Itazuke Then" in the blue bar across the top of the screen...have fun. Dana

Re: Born at Itazuke

I was born there too but in 1956. I left when I was two(I think). around that age anyway. We went back to Japan when I was in first grade but it was in Misawa.