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Itazuke Alumni Association Forum
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Anybody knows Jo and Peggy?

I used to live in Kasugabaru near by Itazuke basement in 60' to 70's. If anybody knows my neigborers whose names are Jo and Peggy, please leave a message here. Jo and Peggy were good friends and took me and my two sisters to the private beach, the local zoo and gave us good memories. I heard they used to work for Air base (may be a control tower) They left there for Oklahoma in 1971. Thank you for this wonderful site and I wish somebody know about them.

Re: Anybody knows Jo and Peggy?

My E-mail address has been changed.
Jo and Peggy were a newly-wed couple. They stayed in Kasugabaru City and Jo probably worked for the control tower in Kasugabaru base.
If anybody know about them please let me know.
Thank you.