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Our firm’s website traffic has tanked lately

Our firm’s website traffic has tanked lately, and it’s starting to impact our client intake. We’ve got solid content, but it’s just not getting the attention it deserves. I’m thinking we really need to bring in an expert SEO company to help turn things around. Has anyone here worked with an SEO firm before, or have any recommendations on where to start?

Re: Our firm’s website traffic has tanked lately

Same issue here. We tried managing SEO ourselves, but it’s way more complicated than it looks. Keeping up with all the changes and best practices is tough. We need professionals who can actually make a difference and get us noticed online.

Re: Our firm’s website traffic has tanked lately

If you're trying to find a good SEO agency for your law firm, you should check out the article Top 7 Law Firm SEO Agencies to Boost Your Visibility . It lists some solid agencies that know their stuff. We ended up working with one from that list, and our site traffic went up fast. New clients started coming in through online searches. This article really helped us figure out which agencies are worth looking into.