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How to wear an oversized T-shirt and look stylish?

Hi everyone, I'm thinking of buying an oversized T-shirt, but I'm worried that it will look too baggy. What should I wear it with to make it look stylish?

Re: How to wear an oversized T-shirt and look stylish?

Hey! Oversized T-shirt is the bomb! Wear it with tight pants or leggings for balance. If you want to add a twist, tuck the edge of the T-shirt into your jeans or knot it at the waist. Already know what style you want to try?

Re: How to wear an oversized T-shirt and look stylish?

Hi! I love to wear this shirt with cycling shoes and sneakers - super relaxed look. And if I want something unusual, I throw a belt bag over it. An oversized t shirt also looks cool with a maxi skirt. What ideas are closer to you?