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MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

On Gardener's World on a friday night they have a feature called 'what's hot and what's not' when I first watched, I thought, oooh yes, that's an idea!

here's mine!

What's HOT

gawping at him kissing *whispers* so sexy!
him in those T shirts with things on the front (so scrummy)
the new shorter hair
When the stars go blue
his arms (see T shirts)
him going stateside (fingers crossed for our American loppies!)
grumpy Lee (for looks alone)

What's NOT

Lee in a cardigan (sorry!)
No news
Picture of them kissing (love it and teensy bit jealous at the same time)
him going stateside (come home!!!)
straightened hair

Anyone fancy a go?

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

I'm always ready to have a go at the GO! Oh, that's not what you meant, huh? Okay, okay!

Stubble, whew, mega sexy!
His jawline
His hands
Drinking coffee
Eating anything
Lee in his bespoke suits that subtly showoff his *ahem* assets
Lee in his jeans and funky t-shirts, esp. good for showing off his broad shoulders

The unibrow when it crops up!

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

What's HOT

Lee wearing a waistcoat! No, not just a waistcoat....
Expressive eyes
Sultry looks to the camera
Little growls on song lyrics.

What's NOT

I'm with PKP.. the unibrow when it appears...

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

What on earth is a unibrow?

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

According to Wikipedia: "A unibrow or monobrow, medically known as a synophrys, refers to a "confluence of eyebrows"; i.e. the presence of abundant hair between the eyebrows, so that they seem to converge to form one long eyebrow."

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

Thanks PKP, I guessed it might be something like that. Lee has a definite gap between his 2 brows.

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

On some pictures he looks like he needs a good pluck.

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......


Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

Now now Ciruela, I am sure Coofy's post was pure in thought !!!! unlike you own obviously.

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......


My mouse was hovering perilously close over a different smiley....

.....oopsie....finger slipped........

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

I kind of like the cave man look!

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

Me too Petrus, it doesn't bother me either.

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

LOl, he's probably as metrosexual as an actor needs to be, but not much more.

Even though I dislike the unibrow, I find it kinda sexy that he's normal enough to let that happen now and then. I don't want to see him too plucked and over-polished. I like cave-man Lee, too!

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......


Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

you realise cavemen wore lion cloths?!

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

Cloths made out of lions?

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

Of course PKP. Lycra hadn't been invented back then!

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

Ohhh, those poor little fatherless cubs! Fake lion cloth, please, Mr Unibrow!

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

well its

eyes and ears mouth and nose and hair and neck and body and shoulders and arms and hands and fingers
and torso and legs and feet and toes !!!!!!

"i look hansome i look smart iam a walking work of art "

sorry got carried away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

Thought about this one.
Soft curly hair.
those eyelashes.
that mega smile irresistable
That frown (Need a hug)
Those neck viens
that beautiful moth so kissable
Beautful hands Lovely long fingers
That fantastic torso (Some bits best left to the imagination)
Even his feet in those dusty shoes he seems to wear.
Yes Lee you have the whole package and have made me feel 20 again Thanks for that!!!
Your the reason why I can see the whole world through new eyes. Thanks Lee

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

Maggie, you do sound totally smitten!

but I've never had the desire to kiss a moth, lol!

and dusty shoes? have I missed something?

thanks for your post's everyone!

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

No Coofy I confess I have never kissed a moth either ! Got so carried away with what I was writing the spelling just went.. Regarding the "Dusty" shoes check this out next time you can drag yourself past his other charms down to his feet.!!! (May just be the fashion I am a bit ancient after all)
Still totally smitten though

Re: MEADSVILLE- what's hot and what's not......

hmmmmm, let me see, if I am ever lucky enough to meet the Meadster again, what shall I look at? somehow, I know it won't be his feet!