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It's only taken two years

Finally, after two years I've managed to convert OH into a Lee fan. We've had a few family problems lately and yesterday afternoon was the first time we'd been able to sit and relax for ages and OH suggested playing a CD, "one of your Lee ones, if you like". After five minutes he said "Do you know, it's really great to be able to understand every word of the song". After ten minutes he agreed that Lee had a fantastic voice. By the end of both albums he was so impressed he wanted to know why Lee wasn't in the charts all the time and said it was a shame he didn't get the backing from his record label that he deserved.

I might now be able to get OH to see Lee's next show and it's only taken two years.

Re: It's only taken two years

Congrats, Val!

Re: It's only taken two years

Aww, I love hearing these kinds of conversion stories. Thanks, Val2!

Re: It's only taken two years

Awww Val it is so nice when your OH can understand & appreciate Lee's talent.
It is just nice to be able to share (some things).

My OH started to really appreciate Lee's talent when he joined us in Hyde Park for PiP last year.

Well done.

Re: It's only taken two years

That's lovely Val2! Sadly, my OH has only become more 'Lee tolerant' rather than an admirer of his talent but I am still working on him Well done

Re: It's only taken two years

Thanks for sharing your story Val2, and I am so pleased your husband now understands and appreciates Lee's talent. It must be really nice to be able to share your thoughts with him.... well some of them!!! LOL!... some we have to keep for ourselves.
I have always been lucky with my OH, he is 'Lee Tolerant' and infact does enjoy his singing.
He just thinks I'm mad!!!

Re: It's only taken two years

My OH ALSO now seems to have an understanding of the 'Lee Mead Thang'!

Yesterday, he went to the Enfield Pageant (a motor extravaganza of auctions,
cavalcades, autojumbles etc) *yawn*

When he came home, I said "Was it good?" (like ya do) and this was his reply .....

"...Well, lets put it this way; to me it was an absolutely fantastic day - to you it would be
Lee Mead in a thong!!!!"

Re: It's only taken two years

Oh how intuitive of your OH Mouse.

Re: It's only taken two years

You know, maybe that's the new thing the music industry needs... lyrics you can understand.

I know everyone I've had listen to his albums like them and usually ask me to order a copy.

Congrats on getting the hubby on board, Val2. Looks like the "lul" is paying off. And now that Lee's married, your husband doesn't have to be jealous anymore :)

Re: It's only taken two years

I love that remark from your OH!

Re: It's only taken two years

My OH came back from the garage today and said they were playing one of Lee's records . I was impressed that he had reconized him (mind you he has heard them a few times) Still it was lovely to hear that his voice seems to be starting to be recognised

Re: It's only taken two years

AM, your OH has certainly got you (and us lot) pegged LOL!

Re: It's only taken two years

- 'Lee Mead in a thong' PHEW! - I seem to remember a certain 'caption competition' mentioning 'a thong!'
Your OH has a good sense of humour -

Re: It's only taken two years

my imagination has now gone into overdrive!!!

Re: It's only taken two years

Brilliant thread a joy to read. I think Lee is one of the very few singers who makes the lyrics of any song so clear. It was one of the main things that drew me to him on ADWD. One of many of course!