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I'm feeling really awkward!

I have to say, I feel like apologising- but then should I?........

Please don't think I am fishing for compliments because I really am not, it's just lately on here I get the impression that my views on Lee are coming across as a bit 'one dimentional' you know, just into the physical side of him. Do you see me like that? honestly?

I feel as though I am hacking a few of you off! I've picked up on a few comments recently, nothing I can recall right now except Jilly saying something about not wishing to discuss hairy arms/ favourite ice creams/ dates with Lee. Well Jilly, I think I am responsible for starting all those discussions. All I can say is I am sorry if I offend anyone with my threads, I often think to myself- tsk, what must they think of that Coofy!

Let me just tell you, I have lots to say on Lee, lots of stuff on a deeper level it's just........most of the time I like to have fun and sometimes it is often childish fun! I've spent a good few recent years being far too serious, serious to a point where it made me poorly a few years back so I just like to lighten up whenever possible now (and it's not often easy)

So sorry guys if I've been posting a load of rubbish lately I just hope we have the right balance here between fun and intelligent conversation, I worry lately that I am tipping the scales

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Everyone on here is important whether they are good, bad or indifferent. What matters is that we are all here because we have one thing in common (or should have).

A good few of your posts have attracted lots of attention and replies in the past Coofy. The world would be a very dull place if we didn't have some fun once in a while! I can't think of many who would be unhappy with your threads, I find them very entertaining. Carry on!

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Ok Jaz, well I'm not really too bothered in hearing if people enjoy my threads- more than that, I want to know if I am too much at times

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

oh flippin heck, of course I am too much at times, but I am what I am! I can't change! (I'm already thinking of my next silly thread) I'm in a funny mood tonight.........I blame it entirely on bad PMT

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

No news is good news then.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Cath, you don't have to apologize! Your threads are a lot of fun for many of us and believe me, some of us could use the laugh.

I've seen that other posters complain about the lack of more serious discussions about Lee but none of them has ever gone to the effort of starting those threads, have they? I just find that puzzling.

Fandom is what we make of it. As in life, you need to bring your own party with you.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Coofy, I really enjoy your threads and don't think you're ever too much!!! Variety is the spice of life. I like to join in with both and there is a place here for both sort of threads.

If people don't like that sort of thing they can avoid it or start up their own serious threads.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Worry not Coofy - you will get the odd comment here and there but its not the majority - I have the impression many love to muck around and your light hearted fun is welcomed on the whole. there are times when we debate and times when we jolly- fine be me! Dont let the odd few comments get to you

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Fret not, my dear. I enjoy your fun comments and am sure you appreciate Lee for his warm personality and good voice as well as his more physical attractions!

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

I echo what's already been said! There's plenty of room for both serious and humorous discussions! I get the impression that Lee can be pretty silly and enjoys a good laugh!

EXHIBIT A - The 'Hard Work' VT from ADWD

Note that, when silliness is occuring, Lee appears to be in the thick of it! I love the bit where Lee and Keith are playfighting - it's like a Chihauaha attempting to fight with a Great Dane, which is patiently letting the tiny dog flex its minute muscles!

EXHIBIT B - The Heights Mission

Nervous (but still very funny) Lee!


Poor Lee couldn't keep a straight face!

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Hi Coofy

I actually think it is quite healthy for you to be questioning yourself in this way. I must admit that sometimes I do think "here we go again"[not sure how else to describe that] when I see threads about parts of Lee's body. But that is me being brutally honest rather than making a personal judgement on you. How could I make a personal judgement on you? I don't know you! The more trivial threads don't annoy me I just often don't really see the point, but people are amused by different things. That doesn't mean that I don't see the fun in things, I just have a different sense of humour, but that's okay. For example, I really like dead-pan humour, Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Office, etc...rather than the more obvious, some might say "silly" stuff where you can see the joke a mile off, but that's just me; who I am and how I've been brought up. Perhaps you may feel more self-conscious about posting recently because of the sheer lack of any other news about Lee? Let's face it, the forums are pretty quiet right now!

You know what I feel about objectifying Lee to the nth degree so I won't go into that again, but I reckon those posts have been toned down a bit. I certainly don't have any objections to posts about favourite ice creams etc...I might not "get" why people would be interested to know that stuff but that doesn't give me the right to suggest you shouldn't post threads like that, does it? So, in answer to your question if you are concerned with what we, as individuals,think of you I would say that judging by your volume of threads you seem to enjoy having people reply to your questions about favourite things etc., and you want to get to know a bit more about people through their responses. I see nothing wrong with that.

PS: My favourite ice-cream, for what it's worth, would be mint choc chip or coffee!
Plus, my favourite Joseph is still Lee for those who think having concern for his career is a negative thing. I'm still very much a fan of his, I just want him to make the best of things and let us all in on what he's doing!(soon please!)

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Awwww CN some of us love your threads & others don't.

It has already been said that Lee himself is a bit of a joker & I am sure that he would see the funny side of your threads.

At a recent meet a couple of people mentioned that this site would be a very dull place without CN.

Don't change. We love you just the way you are.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

I think a healthy mix of fun threads, friendly and interesting discussion threads interspersed with news about Lee and wonderful photos, makes this Forum a very special place to visit, and we should all be proud of that fact.
I enjoy it all - (except the bickering) so don't worry Coofy - there is room for everyone.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Isn't it like television - if you dont like something, turn it off! If people don't like your threads, don't read them! I wouldn't worry at all - we're here to talk about Lee and we all concentrate (I imagine) on the bits that interest us. As several people have said - there's not much else to talk about at the moment so if you want to have a bit of fun - why not. It certainly doesn't bother me at all and I dont think any apologies are needed.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Coofy I would much rather this forum have a mix of threads than it be one sided and bland. So you keep posting your fun threads please

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Coofy, there is no need to worry or apologise for your threads. Life is not a rehearsal and hopefully should involve as much fun as possible and surely that applies to the Forum as well,in order to get a good balance. I strongly feel Lee would want us to have fun on here and enjoy laughing and sharing everything in good spirit. He certainly seems a fun loving guy himself. The few magical times I have met him he has ALWAYS said "Did you enjoy the Show" and seemed keen that everyone had a good time.
I agree with Kay. Like with T/V if you don't like a thread don't read it!
Come on Coof,whats your next fun thread gonna be?

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Coofy, please don't feel awkward. There are many threads that really are not my thing but I bet there are others that are not yours. We cannot all be the same.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Oh I love reading your posts, coofy! and looking a the pictures that sometimes find their way in them (or the vids!!! just look at those above :)

Even if people agree or disagree, it gives us a place to post and express our views, to have some really great arguments or some really great shared THUDS together. But most importantly, it keeps the forum going.

We've got a long stretch in front of us, and whether or not we keep checking in here every day to see if Lee's poked his head up anywhere or don't, that's up to us. To keep posting how we feel, be it about worry that he's not doing enough to keep his career going, or feeling that he should be taking that class to boost his film career option, to giving it all up and becoming a punk rocker... or what ever.

Right now, we need posts about the utter nonsense of Lee and whatever OT topics pique our curiosity until things heat up again. It's time to get creative!

We've been spoilt by the accessibility. Now... this is where the real fan loyalty kicks in.

Post away, Coofey. We need you!!!

(mmm maybe I should start that Punk Rocker thread?)

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

that last clip of Lee doing angry - wow! he gets into character so easily and SO effectively. Its all to come everyone and he will just get better and better.I cannot wait!

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Don't feel awkward Coofy! Your threads are fun and god knows we need to have a laugh during our Lee drought. As others have said, if you don't like a thread or it is not to your taste then don't read/post on it - simple! Me, I like to read most of the threads on the forum as it nice to have a balance of serious and fun/silly threads......don't keep us waiting too long for the next one Coofy

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Coofy- I like your threads. Don't worry about them. Its nice to focus on Lee's physical aspects. We can't focus on his performing all the time, and he is a beautiful specimen of manhood after all.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Thanks everyone. I do feel a bit insecure at times and think, what the hell am I posting this rubbish for! truth is, I get a lot of fun out of it and I'm glad you do too!

I welcome all your comments, I'm just amazed that you are so complimentary, I thought some of you might have something negative to say- and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I'll just keep doing what I know best then if you see a new thread from me, you pretty much know the nature of it's content I guess we all know what we like to read on here and what we don't and if so we can avoid certain threads.

One last thing- Liz, the ice cream thing, coffee?.....really?? hmmmmm not sure about that!

And one very last thing- I do love him you know......really adore the guy......not just his looks........hope you understand that

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

I love coffee ice cream! And mint chocolate chip. Well, if the truth be told, there's probably not an ice cream I don't love. I wonder what Lee's favorite ice cream is?

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

I know that my thoughts are wandering a bit here but PKP the thought of licking an ice cream with Lee.

By the way my fave ice cream is Maple Walnut.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Cath all I want to say is "THANKYOU" and I love ya lots.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Don't ever forget that Meady bloke we adore has the naughtiest glint in his eyes sometimes

So my ode to Coofy (to the theme tune of SCooby Doo!) Ahem...

Coofy Coofy New
We Love yoooo
So lets us have some fun now.
Come on Coofy New
LeMas Needs You
To lighten up and laugh now!

don't stop CN, those that want serious threads can start them, I'll read with interest and I've been known to comment - those that have a laugh in this 'oh so serious world' means that I can escape from work and have a smile - so don't stop 'cos I don't have the thought in my head to start these things

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

ps caramel icecream!

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

He can lick anything and I'd pay to watch!

Photo credit: Tristam Kenton @ RUG

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Don't stop posting Coofy!! I like that you've discussed your concerns with us too

I wish I had the ideas that you come up with LOL

I know I don't always reply to some posts but that's because I'm useless at thinking up replies most the time!!
I don't want to repeat what everyone else has been saying but I do agree with them all. Keep posting about whatever you like That's what this board is about x

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Coofy, in the short time I've been participating in this forum I have found your posts very funny. Please don't stop posting about Lee's physical attributes!

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Coffee ice cream is great coofy! You don't know what you are missing!

I guess you have to like coffee as a flavour of course but there's this great little ice cream shop in St Andrews where they sell pretty much every flavour under the sun and their coffee ice cream is totally scrumptious! I like rum 'n raisin too which is another one you get in that shop that you don't get everywhere. Can't stand toffee flavour ice cream though.

If you like iced latte you'll like coffee ice cream. I tend to like strong flavours. I prefer dark chocolate to milk or white and things like that.

I bet your day is better for knowing that! Hee!

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

If people don't want to read/take part they don't have to look/read the threads CN!!

As with people that complain/have issues with TV progs etc - there's an 'off' button!!!

We need some lighthearted, fun stuff at times!!

(not been on here for AGES!!! tons of work and then daughter kidnapped my laptop as hers gone kaput!! Should that be 'lapknapped'?!)
Now off to Aldeburgh for w/end (again!)

Avi credit FaScination/Lottib

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!


i just wanted to say i love your posts you make me laugh
"dont go changing " people dont have to read them if they dont want too

i actually look forward to your posts because they cheer me upand make the week more intresting and iam sure LEE would laugh

pls dont stop we will miss you too much xxx love kim xx

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Liz J and Punkinpuss, I love coffee icecream too. Its my absolute favourite.

Coofy, Keep posting. Nothing wrong with your posts. Lee is a very attractive guy and and it would be a shame not to talk about it.

Re: I'm feeling really awkward!

Coofy, how could you even begin to think that we don't love your posts. What we want on here is variety & a sense of fun with a huge dose of Lee too of course. You give us all that in spades. Keep up the good work.