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Deja Vue - my 1st Joseph !

All this excitement of booking tickets at Richmond to see Lee has brought back a (distant) memory ! Apart from Pantos, my first real theatre experience was - wait for it - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. It had a big impact on me (not quite as much as someone else we know...), and has remained a favourite - recently strangely even more so !

I suddenly realised that of course I saw it at Richmond Theatre - and then remembered that the impact was hightened by seeing all the cast exiting from the stage door to the pub across the alleyway....

Hmmmm - wonder if this is still popular with the cast. I will do a sneak preview visit to see if its worth going to this pub (can't remember name - will post later) for our meet-up after the show ?

Gave me a warm glow to think I have something a little in common with Lee.