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Meadilicious Twitterama

How about an all-purpose Twitter thread for all tweets related to the Meadster?

Lee is spared the task of shaving Den's legs now that her bump is getting too large for her to do it!

From today FEB. 9th at

Just tried to shave my legs in the bath. Now bump is big its almost impossible.

No way I'm asking hubby to shave my legs. You gotta be kidding me! I think I will go for a wax instead.

Its not just the leg shaving that's a problem, I can no longer do my shoes up! Had to ask my friend Lucy to help

@Charliecondou please noooooooo! I can't face flat slip on shoes for the next couple of months

Oh, Den, those are the least of the indignities heaped on you with motherhood.

From yesterday?

@Charliecondou poor you! Where have you been? I hardly slept cos little lady was having a disco in my tummy last night.

I remember those days! You feel like that scene with John Hurt from Alien LOL!

Love the Spaceballs spoof of that: