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Worthing Sat 10th March

Mixed feelings starting out today. Looking forward as usual to a wonderful concert but a bit (well a lot!!)concerned that this was the last day.
Beatiful day Cassie and I had a great run down well done Cassie you are first class chauffer. Had a brief look at the sea then went to the Restuarant for a pre show meal. Very nice place but we were amused that most of the food on the menu was "orf" that day.
Made our way to the Venue we had Row C seats which were very good for view but I wish Maison Neeley would tone down the drumming a bit. A couple of ladies I spoke to in the Interval were saying the same and they were futher back than us.
Lee came on looking very smart in his brown suit complete with waiscoat and chain !! very posh
His programme was excellent he seemes to be able to switch from big numbers to cosy little tunes easily
His "patter was amusing as usual even though you have heard it befor he always seems to manage to bring in smething fresh each time.
Kiss got everone going ! although he stayed on stage this time. I would have liked to have heard him sing Hallelulia but it was not to be. He had several standing ovations.
There was a large line of folk waiting for him to sign, he does this with his usual good humour. He grrted me with"Hello there Maggie Ball" and gave me quick kiss. I managed to ask what was next on the agender for him and he said that he was hoping to enjoy a few weeks of beeing daddy. I said we will all miss him and he promiced to keep "Twittering" to keep us in the loop. I said another summer concert like "Kiworth" would be lovely
Thank to the people who came and wished me weel and for the enquiries about the O.H. it meant a lot to me.
Hope it will not be long before we have places to go to see our lovely Lee

Re: Worthing Sat 10th March

Thanks Maggie for lovely review I know what you mean about the band I don't understand why it is so loud because they have a sound check,I wish there was a way we could let Lee know I bet he doesn't know how loud it is,I remember last year at Llandudno when Niamh Perry was with Lee my sister in law said the band was drowning her out

Re: Worthing Sat 10th March

Thanks for review maggie.

Re: Worthing Sat 10th March

Thanks for a lovely review Maggie. So you got your usual kiss then. Its nice that he recognizes you each time. I wonder if he recognizes anyone else.