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The CBS Children's Film Festival

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The CBS Children's Film Festival
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Brittish boy lost, wanders desert

I have vague memories of a great movie that K,F and O showed. A Brittish boy searches frantically for his parents in a chaotic African? Indian? city. Then he wanders the desert. I think he meets a man who has crashed his airplane.
Can't remember much more.
I'm sure someone will remember much more and help me out!

Re: Brittish boy lost, wanders desert

Hi Lisa,

Did you check the film listing on my main CCFF page? Every film ever shown on the Festival is described there.


Re: Brittish boy lost, wanders desert

I don't think any film fitting this description was broadcast on the Festival. A film that *might* fit that description is "Sammy Going South" (aka "A Boy 10 Feet Tall"):

The bit about the airplane reminded of a Soviet film called "The Last Inch", though it's unlikely that it is the one you remember:

Re: Brittish boy lost, wanders desert

You might be thinking of the South African film "Dirkie"?

It is available to watch on YouTube.