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    Iranian students association in the Netherlands / Forum
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    sokhni az haghighat

    sepide daman ze faryade
    nahanjare meskin kodake hamsayeam bari
    dar miyabam
    roozi digar az aan roozhaye
    bi hich loghme nani
    bar aan gozashtoo bas.
    sepide daman ze shiwanhaye besyare
    pir zane nakame aasare peydarpey
    dar miyabam
    emrooz haman rooz ast ke
    maalan hayatash digar
    makhtoom migardadbe abas
    sepide daman ze motanaweb tamaloghhaye ishan
    dar miyabam ke
    emrooz niz hamananand
    solte warzani
    ke azadi ra dar asmane dood alode pendarhaye
    khamiye aan
    hayate heyrani
    mashoreman mikonand
    ze lagheydihaye besyari
    walikan emrooz ke toloe dobareye khorshid
    haki az sepidedami digar mibashad
    badbane hame ebhamat bar mikanamo
    khood ra motahaghegh misazam
    dar hame pahneye ensani.