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The CBS Children's Film Festival
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Re: Toby Schmoby

I remember this tv film, it must have been broadcast in late '69/early '70. In the TV guide the tag line read: "Toby was the smartest kid in town...and the loneliest."

For a 10-year-old, Toby was a math-whiz; I remember the scene where he multiplied 2-digit quantities in his head (like 43 x 78 = 3354) and he got them right - every time.

In playground scenes, he demonstrated how he couldn't swing at a softball without spinning around and landing on his can - every time.

From the day he arrived, Tobe found the quickest route to being the most unpopular kid in class: a genius with highest marks and lowest self-esteem, ohhhhhh boy.

But there's a happy ending, it shows him and the big bully together, throwing rocks at the haunted house and laughing themselves silly.

I'd like to see this film again.

Re: Toby Schmoby

While this film is not available, you can watch J. T. at the University of Georgia Peabody Collection at I was able to find the miniseries "Studs Lonigan" there also. Not really on topic but maybe helpful.