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Re: White Jeans 22

See what you mean about Ramin A/Liz, yuk, yuk. Just looked on his Twitter, don't normally follow him. I don't like tatooes, particularly the very large ones.
Is your back any better today?

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies...
It's another lovely morning in my part of MM today...only trouble is, I didn't get back to the Manor until the early hours...and need some matchsticks to keep my eyes open this morning!...LOL!
Just hope I can focus long enough, to sort out the Boss's clothes later...

No 'Friday 13th blues'...I'm glad to say...everything went well...
Thanks for your lovely company Sue and OH...it was an excellent evening...
We even managed to get my OH to SD afterwards too...LOL!...and we were well rewarded for our efforts, with many of the cast stopping for a chat...

It was a fabulous show too (Les Mis) with a full cast appearance (no sickness) including Ramin, who was brilliant. He really acts the part of JVJ - in great voice last night too...
There was a total audience standing ovation at the end as well...so deserved, IMO...
Oh!...how I love that show...
If the Boss ever gets a part in it, I will be bankrupt, along with many others, I reckon. LOL!...

Off now, to have another look at those latest gorgeous photos, and to get some clothes ready for the Boss ...
Annie and A/liz...probably not sheepskin CK's today though!!!LOL!...sounds as if he may have had some problems with 'overheating'! yesterday!!! in that warm Cinema!...
Enjoy Saturday Ladies...

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Curly and Ladies, and a beautiful one it is.

Pleased you had a lovely time yesterday, what a show it is.

Sheepskin CKs won't be needed today, I was very concerned they might be too warm and chafing in certain areas might occur

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies. Glad that those of you at Les Mis had a great time and that Ramin lived up to expectations !

C/Liz, I think it was the Staff who were overheating yesterday when they saw LOTM's holiday pics, that one in particular!

My back has improved amazingly overnight, thank you, Annie - just hope it's a permanent improvement!

Anyone for and ? The kettle is on.

Re: White Jeans 22

I am at the moment very intrigued about LOTM's interview/appearance on radio Devon. The subtitle according to Ro's post on Lovelees is 'Lee Mead and sausages!'. Hmmmm. Is he introducing cook Joan's homemade sausages? Is he tasting sausages ( he'd love that!). Is he relating the importance of sausages in his life over the years??? Or is there some other connection which has totally escaped me.

Re: White Jeans 22

Asher...not quite sure how to answer that?

Good morning ladies...
It's a lovely crisp but sunny Sunday morning here in my part of MM today, makes you want to sing.

'Oh! what a beautiful morning!
Oh! what a beautiful day'

Hope it's the same, where you are too.

A/Liz - glad to hear your back is much better.

I don't know whether the LOTM is in residence this morning, probably not, if he missed the train back from his outing yesterday, as well as the two he missed going!!!
I'd better go and do my duty now...sorting out some clothes for the Boss I'm thinking of red and black CK's today (either red with black stripe, or black with red stripe)...and if you ask me why?... in the words of 'Madame Morrible' from 'Wicked'... "I HAVE NO IDEA?'
Enjoy Sunday everyone.

Re: White Jeans 22

I don't know, Curly, what line of thought you're following. I'm thinking along the lines of Paul Newman and his salad dressings - that man made billions for charity with his food-line. Bless him.

And what about LOTM, the dear man is getting more absent minded by the minute. He needs a PA.

Re: White Jeans 22

Asher - are you volunteering for an interview??? LOL!
I have to warn you - we are very strict with these interviews!!! ! Not just anyone can join. I will have to discuss it with the MM Staff at our next meet! LOL!...
If you are around at one of these 'Staff Meetings' in the near future...you can present yourself...
to us... ...
There may be a 'Practical Section' with the LOTM to deal with too...so do make sure you have everything at the ready - so to speak!!!
It may include some imbibing of alcoholic nature - so be prepared!...not that I'm suggesting we deal in Bribes etc! - oh! nooooo! never!!!!!...but it does help to 'oil the vocal chords'...
These interviews can take a considerable time, and sometimes go way into the wee small hours! so stamina is something you must possess too...to keep up with everything we, as Staff Members, are expected to do. It's quite an effort trying to be one step in front of a Boss who is very unpredictable!... Bless him!!! ...LOL!
I also have to mention, you would be working alongside 'Charlee' who is the
LOTM's 'Chief Marketing Director' and a very good one she is too!
Looking forward to seeing you again soon...
Signed CL...
PP MM Staff....

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning afternoon, ladies. Oh what a beautiful morning indeed, C/Liz!

I have had words with LOTM this morning. He is very concerned about us losing the plot during the forthcoming Lurve Tour, due to a proliferation of bings and bongs on our train journeys. He himself is suffering as we speak on his journey home(he was away from MM last night, staying with friends, after his visit to the panto in Brum). I told him people think we lost the plot ages ago!

Hi Asher - yes, the MM staff interview process is more of an endurance test. How much of LOTM do you think you can you be exposed to?

Re: White Jeans 22

Oh dear, I have failed this interview already! As Kim will be able to tell you, I need to be in bed by 10.30pm or I get cranky! I'm not good with alcoholic substances of any kind; they make me even sleepier, and crankier!

As for being able to keep up with LOTM, I can barely keep up with myself, lol. If I took care of him, we would be late for everything and break the speedlimit constantly in our efforts to get to places even vaguely in time. We'd both be found with our head in a book or talking about the books we currently reading. And never get any work done!

Therefore I can only apply for jobs which are not timebound in any way! And allow me to get at least 8 hours sleep a day. And involve a lot of reading. Or knitting, possibly.

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
Very nippy in my part of MM this morning
Asher, I don't think we have lost the plot, as A/Liz says. The fact is we never knew the plot in the first place, so we just do what ever takes our fancy
Glad your back is better A/Liz
We had a wonderful mini Staff Meeting at the weekend. Les Mis was amazing. I have lost count how many times we have seen it but Ramin is up there with bells on. He certainly acted JVJ with all his heart and played him as a very gentle man. We had a fabulous SD experience didn't we Curly . He really is the most charming guy and made our night We also had a great chat with a crowd from Dublin and relived our exploits in Temple Bar with them. My mistake with the fork was mentioned

We also have a NBF. A lovely lady from Germany who loves musicals. She is now thinking of dancing round the maypole with us at the Royal Festival Hall
Our OH's got on like a house on fire which was wonderful. They patiently stood in the freezing cold at the SD while we canoodled with Ramin
We spent Saturday with the Newlyweds, who send their love and also went to see Chicargo, which was fabulous
Well, back to work. I have done ther H&BFL checks but LOTM tried to stay in the warm under the silk duvet He is FIT FIT FIT ladies.
Have a great Monday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Sue morning one and all...
There's certainly a nip in the air in my part of MM too this morning Sue...
Asher...just love your 'interview' reply! LOL!...
Unfortunately we have these very high 'MM Staff Standards' that we are duty bound to keep up!
It's tiring and difficult at times...but someone has to do it!
The LOTM is soooo!!! worth it of course...
You could always be his 'Page Turner' though!... ...a very close proximity job!!! LOL!
Sue...that SD was very special wasn't it? What a lovely man Ramin is...just like our LOTM It was a real treat to meet him.

Well this won't do....looks like I have my work cut out for me this morning...
The LOTM was so full of the 'bing bongs' on the train home yesterday, he just came in and threw everything all over the place!!!...argh!!!...nooo!!!...so now I have a major clearing up job to do, in the wardrobes...
A/Liz...you may have to be extra gentle with your de-crumple this morning!...especially if he's still in a 'strop'!!!...just don't mention 'bing! bongs!'
Oh! well! duty calls!!!!...
Have a lovely Monday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
in my part of MM too, but nice .
Yes, the LOTM was hyper on his train journey yesterday (sounds like us on a concert trip!). I think he must have finished his book before he caught the train .
Shame about the job Asher, but do still pop in, we and the LOTM love to see you, and later on we'll be able to tell you about the LOTM and sausages.
Off out into R/L now, well when I've defrosted my car

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. I trust you're all glued to Radio Devon this morning!

LOTM is whizzing around the airwaves today (don't ask me how!), first appearance shortly.

Glad Sue & C/liz enjoyed a good SD with Ramin. He's just tweeted he's in Japan already! Obviously THE place to go these days!

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon Ladies on this beautiful day

Can't keep up with LOTM today, hoping he will tell us all about his radio broadcasts over a or two this evening

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon ladies just finished my tasks today, and thought I'd pop into MM lounge for a pot of tea and a fruit slice!!!
Our LOTM is being interviewed on Radio Leicester sometime after 3.0 pm today, so I'd better go and get the best china out!!!
Oooooh! yes! only the best for our Boss of course!
Come in and join us if you're free...hope it's as good as his interview this morning...

Re: White Jeans 22

LOTM has really been hard at it today, with seven hours of radio interviews. Sue, I think you should concentrate on his throat and vocal areas tomorrow, just to make sure everything is still working properly. You may have to get quite up close and personal, but I know you'll handle it in your usual professional manner.

In the meantime, I have stirred a couple of teaspoons of honey into his late night latte to keep him ticking over.

Re: White Jeans 22

Brrr! Good morning ladies...very cold and frosty this morning in my part of MM...
The LOTM is in the best place, tucked up under the duvet...
Good job you put some honey in his drink last night A/Liz - very good for the throat and vocal chords... He did seem a bit 'husky' in some of the interviews yesterday, and he was cold in that BBC Booth too Awww! Bless! -
Sue he needs lots of TLC this morning...
I will have to go and sort out some very warm clothes for him today too...
Have a lovely Tuesday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
Very nippy in my part of MM
I nearly snuggled under the silk duvet when I arrived in the bedchamber earlier. LOTM grabbed hold of it though and held it up tight to his face. So.....as instructed (thank you A/Liz ) I have concentrated on his throat and vocal cords . Yes, it was up close up and personal but he didn't seem to mind. It's amazing what you can do while wearing a nurses's uniform I didn't mind either and can now report he is FIT FIT FIT ladies. No harm done to the voice yesterday.
Blimey, are we up for working overtime in Japan and Asia in the autumn?? If he decides to tour Australia at any point we are ok for accomodation of course
Off out with the wedding NLF's today.
Have a lovely Tuesday everyone. Keep warm, if anyone goes missing we will check the silk duvet

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Sue...could I be first to go missing please?...!!!!
Have a lovely day with your wedding NLF's...

Re: White Jeans 22

Where do you think I've been all morning?

Your 'treatment' seems to have set LOTM up well for the day, Sue, as he has set off for another day's interviews with quite a spring in his step!

Grrr - internet's been off for an hour, stuck unable to post!

Re: White Jeans 22

Curly, get your sewing basket out - another wardrobe malfunction! Not on the scale of the last one - merely a missing button .....

Linky thing

Gorgeous pic, though!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
Dull and murky morning in my part of MM
LOTM's left for another promo day for the radio. Hope C/Liz has sewn that button on his coat, otherwise our visitors will think we're not looking after him.

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon all
I've had a right old spat with Mr Bravenet today. I've only just been able to get into the Forum. I had to resort to thumping him in order to get through the front door Everytime I clicked, that dreadful message "Webpage expired" came up. I have logged off and on again so often I have nearly expired, never mind the webpage
Anyway, I have managed to do a hasty H&BFL check. I've no idea if LOTM is out and about so I'll just pretend he is at our beck and call in MM. I beckoned and called him and can now report he is FIT FIT FIT ladies
If, when I press post, the b***** pooter says "webpage expired" again it will live to regret it
Hope everyone well and having a good Wednesday.

Re: White Jeans 22

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies. Spent the day having my head x-rayed (to see if there is a brain in there! - no, looking at teeth actually). Weird - head was clamped into a helmet type thing, then machine moved around it, to and fro. Very odd feeling. Then had to drop off x-ray at dentist & make appointment for next week. Ended up having pub lunch with OH & friends, so not all a waste of time!

Anyway, just come in to find LOTM has a sore botty from being incarcerated in that booth for three days! Any volunteers to help in that department?

Glad you managed to get back on line, Sue - so frustrating when you can't get into MM!

Re: White Jeans 22

A sore bot A/Liz I'm on the case with the BOT (Box of Tricks)
In R/L I've just caught up with "One Born Every Minute" on the telly. Blimey, thank goodness for the passage of time. It's not so bad being past certain things in life is it

Re: White Jeans 22

Annie - I spent all day yesterday on the floor of that BBC Booth...looking for
the LOTM's missing button!!!!
You'd be surprised what was down there too! Just hope I found the right one...button that is!!!
A/Liz...hopefully your Dentist will be able to find out what's going wrong with your teeth now, and correct the problem that's causing your pain. Glad you enjoyed your Pub lunch afterwards.
Thanks for the link to that gorgeous piccy!!!! PHEW!

Good Morning ladies...quite wet and windy in my part of MM today, but there's a possibility it will clear up later...I do hope so, as I understand the LOTM is orf! out again this morning for another round of Radio Interviews - Awww! Bless him he works so hard...
Sue did you manage to get to the 'bottom'! of the Boss's problem yesterday? LOL!
His 'gluteus maximus' (muscles) must be comfortable today!!! with all that sitting around he will be doing again later... Sorry!...I've been reading your medical book again!...
Need to have all these things at my fingertips, so to speak. ...Just in case you need me to stand in for you... ...ever!!! you understand!!!...LOL!
Enjoy your day ladies

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. C/Liz, are you sure it was only the button you were looking at for in that booth??? Only you seemed to be there an awfully long time!

I think LOTM got thrown out in the end, as he did his last interview from the pub!!! Don't think it was the P&F, though!

It's been really yukky in my corner of MM this morning. Hope it brightens up a bit later.

Re: White Jeans 22

A/Liz - where the LOTM is concerned ...one has to spin these tasks out a bit!!!...LOL!...It was quite a dark booth and a tight floor space to work in too! - took me absolutely ages! but I found what I was looking for in the end!!!
His Coat Button... (best I could do)!!! LOL!

Good morning ladies...
It's another dull and dreary day in my part of MM this morning Yuk!
But hark!!!...LOL!...our gorgeous ray of the LOTM, is already up and about,
(in his black silk dressing gown!!! ...talking to someone on the phone ...sounds like another Radio Interview!!! Woo! Hoo!
He's such a hard working guy...Awww! Bless! It's great, he's able to do some of these interviews from the Manor too...
I'd better 'toddle' orf! now, (definition...'short unsteady steps'...after seeing the Boss in that black silk dressing gown!) and make sure his day clothes are ready for him...
Have a lovely day ladies...

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies - although not so good in my corner of MM, it's turned rather soggy.

C/Liz, did you have to? - I've been thinking of LOTM in that black silk dressing gown all morning , lounging back on the sofa, phone up to his ear, other hand waving around emphasising a point, silk slipping just a little ......

He's been in a taxi, though, so I presume he got dressed - and he's driving off to his home neck of the woods this afternoon or we'd have heard about it! so he'll DEFINITELY be dressed if he's visiting Mum! )

Re: White Jeans 22

I'm in the TV lounge, just watching LOTM in the Winner's Story again .....

Anyone else around?

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon, ladies. LOTM did a fab interview on Gaydar this morning, then watched his team Chelsea (much jumping around the TV lounge, especially when they didn't score!).

He's wandering round Joan's kitchen now, looking for a snack.

Re: White Jeans 22

Hi A/Liz - Oh dear didn't Chelsea score . Yes, the Gaydar interview was great
I'm sure Joan's left a large somewhere in the kitchen, I'm sure the LOTM will find it, while his staff have the day off.

Re: White Jeans 22

Pizza all round tonight, ladies. LOTM's paying, then we're all watching some strange film with him .......

Re: White Jeans 22

A/Liz...sorry I missed the last night - it sounded like fun... not sure about the film though!!!

Talking about films, I went to see 'War Horse' last week at the local cinema. It was 'digital all round sound' and during a couple of the war scenes, the noise of the ricocheting bullets (bouncing around the walls of the cinema) were so real in effect, that some of the audience were seen 'ducking' on a couple of occasions!...LOL! A totally mind blowing film, full of every emotion you can imagine...Well worth a visit though. If any of you decide to go, it's advisable to take a large box of tissues...
'The Iron Lady' was also excellent... Meryl Streep totally amazing...Her performance is definitely worth an Oscar...
Now back to business..

Good morning ladies...I see the LOTM has been really busy over the last few days too...
I've spent ages trying to catch up with him ...Phew!...He does keep us on our toes doesn't he?
Well, I'd better go have a tidy up in the wardrobes now.
Have a lovely Sunday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Curly. Morning everyone.
Bit damp and murky in my part of MM today.
On a brighter note, I have just left the bedchamber. I haven't done the H&BFL checks as I hadn't the heart to disturb our beautiful LOTM. He is lying on his back with his arms flung above his head. His curls are tumbled all over the silk pillowcase. His long, long eyelashes are resting on his cheeks and YES, the left leg is slung outside the silk duvet He is soooo FIT FIT FIT
Shall we make the most of MM fantasy world today ladies? Let's pretend he is available for whatever we fancy. A ride on Prince A walk with Shep A tootsie dipped in the outdoor pool, Badminton with Annie, then a roast at the Poacher and Ferret later......
Glad you enjoyed the flicks Curly . You are wise to advise tissues. When we saw the stage version of WarHorse it was the first time I'd seen the London son cry since he was about five Very emotional evening. I'm glad it's transferred so well to the big screen.
Ooooh, the Boss is up and about in the black silk dressing gown....FWT duty anyone?
Have a lovely Sunday everyone.

Re: White Jeans 22

Did someone mention FWT duty????
Good morning Sue, 'fantasy mode'...what a lovely thought for today...
I could think of a few fantasies!!!! most, quite unprintable!!!

I have to wait until May to see the Theatre Production of WH, but I'm really looking forward to it now...

Glad to hear the LOTM is FIT! I did wonder if he had a bit of a cold during some of his interviews last week - he sounded snuggly snuffly!...
Have you checked his chest!!! this morning Sue????
Enjoy your day

Re: White Jeans 22

Well, er, no Curly. I had a bit of a job standing up actually. The sight of him lying on the huge fourposter sort of made my legs go a bit wobbly. I will crawl to the shower room and "check his chest" straight away. No, don't worry, it's no trouble. All part of my job description
I will also check if he is snuffly, or did you say "snuggly" I hope you have given him the FWT's before I start
Thought you'd like "fantasty mode"

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. Had to laugh, C/Liz, at the image of your fellow cinema-goers ducking for cover in the trenches at the Odeon. It wasn't like that the last time I went there!

I'm afraid I didn't last the course during LOTM's film evening, but he had his best buddy with him for company. He enjoyed his tuna too.

I'm up for the P&F later, roast lamb all round, presumably?

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue...'fantasy mode' is gooooood!!!!! even on a Sunday!!!!!
Now!...am I brave enough to ask the LOTM if I can sit behind him (or even in front!)
on Prince when he takes him out for a canter today?...in full regalia too!!!...
My fantasy!!!! - I got there first! LOLOLOL!...
Well...he hasn't had a 'work out' for ages...Prince... that is!

Morning A/Liz... ...I wasn't one of those 'ducking' in the cinema,
I have to add!!!! LOL!

Re: White Jeans 22

Yes indeedy, you are brave enough for a work out Curly. If not, why are you dressed up in that beautiful riding outfit. You really suit the split skirt and hacking jacket. As for the hat and whip, words fail me. Elegance personified. Can we have a turn next?
Wonder if Annie will let us help when she nabs him for a game of badminton later. We could run about and pick up the shuttles
Morning A/Liz, are you up for a bit of vintage MM today?
What do you fancy doing? Sitting on the back of the lawnmower cutting the MM grass with LOTM, or dipping a tootsie in the pool? Or anything else.........

Re: White Jeans 22

a 'Full Work Out'...Sue??? no half measures where the LOTM
Prince is concerned...

I meant to say the LOTM in full regalia...(Thinking TWB's here)... ...but quite like the sound of my outfit too LOL!!!...and yes of course you can all have a turn... ...if he has enough energy!...
Prince that is!

Re: White Jeans 22

Go for it Curly, watch those spurs though

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue...Spurs!!!! who said anything about Spurs!!!!... ...anyway I thought the Boss was a Chelsea Supporter!!!! sorry couldn't resist...LOL!
I'm still wondering where the 'riding whip' comes into the scenario????... but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon!!!
On second thoughts, probably best to leave it at the Manor, don't want to get into trouble with anyone...

Re: White Jeans 22

Curly, you're making me cry with laughter
The whip is supposed to "encourage"
The thought of you on Prince, cracking it at various points on your journey (the whip that is) is quite spell binding
Do you facy some "Dressage" LOTM could direct you but you would have to obey his orders. So would Prince
Where's that smiley pic of a big horse gone? I can't find it and Prince is such a fine stallion. I need that bigger pic to do him justice

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue...just type bighorse in between [...] that should do it!!! ...or something anyway!

Do you think he will need any 'encouragement' then?...
...oooops!... where's the whip? ...ahhh!...that's better!

Oh! sorry!...you mean Prince !!...
For a split second there, I thought you meant me!!! ...I was just about to take the
'Fifth Amendment'! LOL!
"Dressage" sounds good though...taking orders from the Boss sounds
even better...wanna join in?
Oooo! 'Masterful Mode' coming up!!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Why didn't I think of that Curly? I actually type most smileys that way to save time! Duh, too busy picturing you on the steed flexing your equipment at His Lordship
Yep, I'm up for taking orders from the Boss, only wish I knew more about "Dressage" now I've inflicted it on us
I think we have to manouvre Prince into intracate positions. I may well be wrong. Hopefully someone will come to our aid and describe the exact science. Sorry Curly. I live very near Badminton (Horse Trials) in R/L so should be more savvy
A/Liz where are you? You're taking ages to decide on your particular fantasy

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon Ladies, may I join in good old fashioned Fantasy Time?
Well, it's my Sunday off in MM so I've been for a long walk round the estate, primroses, snowdrops and catkins beginning to show. By the way, I hope you are enjoying the bowls of blue hyacinths standing up stiff and straight in the entrance hall the scent is beautiful.
Curly, as you have nabbed that leaves me with a choice of the Skeggie or the ride on mower Guess it will have to be the mower then, don't think I can get uc&p on Skeggie and my legs are too long for the sheep

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon Joem just heard the LOTM on Radio Suffolk - not bad at all!
Ooooo!...they played Anthem too...
The Boss's interview is in two sections during the show...the next part is in just under an hour - so we have some time to have a natter...LOL
Shall I make a brew? we can have a slice of Joan's chocolate cake
(I'm sure she won't mind ) and sit in the lounge...

I can just picture you on Skeggie riding around the grounds of MM...Joem LOL!...watch out for any odd 'greenfly' that happens to be brave enough to fly around this time of the year!
Love the hyacinths in the entrance... see what you mean about their stature!!!

Sue...I've given up on 'Dressage'...two many intricate steps...prefer a good gallop myself!!!...LOL
One lump or two Mrs?

Annie and A/Liz fancy a cuppa too? I'll go and top up the pot...

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