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Re: White Jeans 22

Evening A/Liz... ...a G&T coming up...
A/Liz...'Best boy' (Best Girl)...showing my ignorance here quite a lot, I guess LOL!...any idea what they do?
Sue... you still dealing with that 'Double Vat' I gave you earlier??? ...and yes of course we'll text you if there are any 'developments' as far as the LOTM is concerned tomorrow...
I take it you mean NEWS! developments
Joem... now you behave, LOL!!! and don't let your mind wander too far... you know deep concentration is required for flower arranging in R/L
As a reward the LOTM whispered to me, that he will let you arrange
his 'little beauties' sorry 'prize blooms' in MM tomorrow... !!!
Top up anyone?

Re: White Jeans 22

Hi C/Liz. I haven't a clue what a Best Boy is either, it's one of those things you see go through at the end of the credits for films etc. However, according to Wiki:

In a film crew there are two kinds of best boy: best boy electric and best boy grip. They are assistants to their department heads, the gaffer and the key grip, respectively.

Job responsibilities: On films with very small crews, the electric (lighting) department often consists of only a gaffer, a best boy, and a few electricians. The grip department may include only a key grip, a best boy, and a few grips. Very large crews may have as many as 24 grips or electricians per department and may include full-time rigging crews and additional photography units, depending on the scale of the production.

Best boys are responsible for the daily running of the lighting or grip department. Their many responsibilities include the hiring and scheduling of crew, the ordering and returning of lighting or grip equipment, workplace safety, timecards, expendables, loading production trucks, planning and implementing the lighting or rigging of locations and/or sound stages, coordinating rigging crews and additional photography units (if applicable), handling relations with the other production departments, overseeing the application of union rules (where relevant), and serving as the day-to-day representative of the department with the unit production manager and coordinator of the film, and the getting of tape.

Clear as mud! I like the bit about 'grip department' though, I'm sure we could find a suitable position assisting LOTM there!

(MM - informative as ever! )

Thanks for the G&T BTW - much needed.

Re: White Jeans 22

Eeeeps!!!! and Crumbs!!!
Thanks A/Liz...didn't expect that lot! LOLOLOL!...love your research!!! very educational indeed. LOL!

'Best Boy Electric' sounds like a bit of a 'bright spark' though!...

Sue... you'd be Ok with the 'frigging' in the rigging!...remember the 'pullies' in our Vintage MM days? LOLOLOL! We could put them to good use...
Also we do know a lovely Stately Home, that would be an ideal back drop for a Period Drama don't we? I'm thinking 'Top hat' and black cloak here ladies!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Hic, pardon. Did you put any tonic in the Vat Curly ??
If you wanna be Best Girl A/Liz, you go for it
Could I stake a claim for Grip Loader?
I hope joem is behaving herself at the meeting. By the sound of things the good ladies of the Flower Club would be very taken aback if joem had lost control of her Daffodil stems and fessed up what was really going through her mind
Girls, we must take it upon ourselves to rev up Winnie and take up residence on set. Hoist the flag Annie. Our LOTM needs us at his beck and call on Monday.
Kim, the weather forcast is looking a bit chilly. Any chance you could finish the knitting? The Boss may be hanging about in the cold on location
Tanith, could you russle up one of your hampers please? He will need sustenance if he has to film demanding scenes
Joan, this is a call to arms. Catering by MM is the only way to go

Blimey A/Liz, just read your post Bit difficult to take in on two vats of gin. Grip loader still appeals though

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue...you didn't ask for tonic LOL! so I just filled it up with gin!
"Whas werse youse shaying again?"!!!!
"Grip Loader"...I hope he doesn't do what I'm thinking LOL! if so, you'll have your work cut out for you Sue
Ooooo...I thought that said 'expandables' not 'expendables'...nearly voluteered for that one...
Think I'd better add some tonic to the drinks quick!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Better get the expandables and expendables sorted Curly
Bit like the angle of the dangle conundrum
Night, night ladies. I'm off to dream of LOTM in a leading role
Sleep tight and sweet dreams everyone. How wonderful our beautiful Boss's dreams are coming true

Re: White Jeans 22

I agree Sue... Night night
Good luck for tomorrow
Night everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning everyone, not too many around I hope. Curly, I can't wait to get going on LOTM's 'beauties and blooms'

Not sure that I understand what's needed to be Best Boy/Girl but if there's any gripping to be done count me in

Last night how I stopped myself from leaping on the table, doing the fandango, daffodil clenched in teeth I shall never know

Sue, hope all goes well this morning Take a CED poster with you and ask a friendly receptionist to put it on the ceiling

Re: White Jeans 22

Joem - good morning, you're an early bird today...LOL!...anything to do with your
'urgent and sharp 'cutting edge' enthusiasm' to arrange the LOTM's
'beauties and blooms' today???

Good morning everyone...another bright and sunny morning in my part of MM today....
Quite cold as well though brrr!
Sue...Good luck for today, hope everything goes well at the Dentist's Surgery.
The LOTM say's he's very busy at the moment, but will allow some extra time, to come and hold your hand later!!!
A/Liz...the Boss also has your dental appointment in February 'ring marked' too...
He's such a caring Boss isn't he?
Annie...haven't seen you in MM lately...hope everything is well with you.
Chef Joan...hope you are keeping in good health too
Well, I wonder if our Boss will 'Spill The Beans' later today,
and let us all into his exciting secret?
In the mean time, I must go had sort out some clothes for him...
Enjoy Friday everyone
Everything crossed for you Sue

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies.

Sue, hope your visit to the tooth man wasn't too traumatic. Do you want LOTM (disguised as the Tooth Fairy - or not - your choice! ) to come and put a little something under your pillow tonight?

Still no hints from LOTM about his news. He does love to keep us waiting .....

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon ladies... nearly asleep!!! this afternoon...zzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!
Oooh!...afternoon A/Liz...you made me jump I was just about to 'drop orf' there for a minute!!! LOL!

It's quite tiring all this hanging around waiting for the first glimpse of some news
from the Boss isn't it?
Mind you, I haven't been wasting my time, I've been doing some mending for the LOTM can't say what at this stage!!!...'Wardrobe Confidentiality Clause' LOL!...it may involve buttons though!...
Nod! nod! wink! wink!
Shall I make an afternoon cuppa? and find some of those rather 'naughty but nice' 'Jammy Dodgers' to help us while away the time?...
You never know, he may just tell his MM Staff on the QT...first!... (yeah and pigs might fly)!!! LOL!
Shall I pour?

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon ladies
So nice to be back in the Manor. I wouldn't want to work in a Dental Surgery, far too many gruesome sounds. Why can't they make silent drills?
No drills involved with me this morning though, just the dreaded needle (best I could do) and a nifty bit of wrist work by my very nice, kind dentist. I lay there going through all the most delectable roles LOTM could play. I'd better not describe them ladies, I could get chucked off the forum but it did help take my mind off things
Thanks for all your texts girls
Well, I have done a very late H&BFL check and he is FIT FIT FIT but not helpful at all. I asked him to whisper what his plans are but he just grinned that beautiful grin and said "be patient".........
Looks like we will all have to remain glued to Twitter nonstop.
Hope everyone well. It's chucking it down in my part of MM.
Right, back to Twitter

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon Sue Woo! Hoo! ...welcome back to
'MM Land' so glad everything went well this morning...Hope you will be more comfy soon...
Sorry about your 's
We have wall to wall bright sunshine in my 'neck of the woods' today...
Get Mr Magic to whisk you over, for an hour or two of R&R...
I'm also very interested to hear about those delectable roles you have in mind for our
LOTM ...LOL! Perhaps at our next Staff Meeting eh?...
I still haven't managed to get past the thought of him in 'Scrubs'
with a 'bedside manner' to die for, yet!!!
Top up anyone?

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue, firstly, abject apologies for not texting you in your hour(s) of need (hangs head in shame). I swapped my day off (Thursday instead of Wednesday) and would you believe left my phone at work! Didn't realise till I'd gone out. Not the first time I've done it, either. Felt completely cut off from the world. Then, today, it was totally manic all day.

Was it the tooth where you had the abscess? I had mine out a few years ago with the same problem. I was petrified, but it was out in seconds and I didn't feel a thing. Totally made a fool of myself, though, by bursting into tears of relief in front of the dentist!

Well, we now know half the story - LOTM has 'an acting role lined up in a British drama' - SQUEEEEE!!! Just have to wait till he tells us all the details - do you think a vat of would do the trick and make him spill the beans? Or shall we just keep going with the fantasies?

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies it's a another lovely sunny morning in my part of MM today...
No snow for us here yet, thank goodness...
Let's hope it stays away too, and especially in February with the LOTM's 'Love Tour' coming up...
Talking about the LOTM as we often do on this thread, he's up and about already, and so excited about his forth coming Lead Role in a British Drama...Squeeee!...
I tried my best to get him to tip that 'can of beans' over just a little bit further, and tell us what sort of drama he was going to lead...but he wasn't having any of it, and instructed me to go and fetch him some clothes...ooooo!!!!! well that told me!!!!! ...Can't say I didn't try ladies!!! LOL!...
I'd better away and do as he says, before he gets all Masterful!!!...
Have a lovely day everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Curly. Morning ladies.
Beautiful day in my part of MM. Crisp, cold and sunny
LOTM is indeed up and about as Curly said. Shame really, as I had to get him to undress again, in order to do the H&BFL checks My job is so tough
He is FIT FIT FIT ladies
I did think about producing the LMI and waving it in his direction " Tell us about your news Sir" but I really couldn't do that to him. His beautiful face would cloud over and the beautiful eyes would widen in fear So.....we must just play the waiting game for a bit longer.
Thanks A/Liz, no, it wasn't the abscess tooth, I'm afraid. I would welcome losing that one. It was a back wisdom tooth. I have had toothache with it for about three weeks but as it wasn't on the same scale of "screaming out loud" pain as the abscess knasher I sort of ignored it. Dr Dentist had other ideas though
Have a lovely Saturday everyone
PS. Two weeks today we will be enroute to Bournemouth

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Curly, Sue and Ladies,bright and sunny in my part of MM if a little

If you two haven't had any luck in getting LOTM to reveal all verbally that is, about the dramatic role, don't think I stand much chance. Could it be set in that well known Square in London? or may be cobbled streets in another part of the country . We soon will know.

Sue, hope you are feeling more comfortable today

Enjoy the sunshine, don't want any snow in two weeks time do we

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies. I would offer and at this point, but LOTM has been making mash, so the kitchen is in a bit of a state, to say the least! Potato cakes, anyone?

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon Ladies, any potato cakes left from yesterday, I love potatoes in any shape or form .
Thought I heard the LOTM around early this morning, having been on the radio he's now off to Manchester to be ready for filming his secret drama . Hope he let's us know soon, tried to peep at the script, but he was having none of it. Are you all staying in MM or are you all going to be Best Girls? Better pack some thermals as the weather's going to get during the week.
Shame about your tooth Sue. As it was a wisdom tooth, does that mean you've lost some of your wisdom

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon Annie, afternoon everyone...
Thanks Annie, Joyce, Jazzy and Johartuk for all your 'info' on the LOTM Argh!!!!noooo!!!...I missed the radio interview this morning, hope to hear it later though...

Yipee!!!...'whip crack away'!!!! and all points North!!! Manchester here we come!!

What exciting news about the LOTM
They were quick off the mark weren't they? but who wouldn't be, when it means filming our gorgeous Boss
I wonder what the drama will be? Somebody will let it slip soon, I've no doubt!!! LOL!
Might just have to open another bottle of the Boss's bubbly later to celebrate...Woo! Hoo!
Sue... hope you are feeling more comfortable today...

Re: White Jeans 22

Excited, are we, C/Liz????

Manchester??? Why Manchester (very wet, Manchester!), why can't we go somewhere exotic for filming??? We could be cooped up in Winnie for weeks, with only the odd day out for concerts!

I've missed the Radio London interview (watching tennis), so will have to catch up.

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon A/Liz...yes very excited, 'Whoop! de Doo!!! aren't you then? LOL!
Wet or - anywhere the LOTM goes is good enough for me!!! LOL! but I'm glad I remembered to pack his 'mac' and
Is it too early for and ?

Re: White Jeans 22

I'm excited

Time to crack open the bubbly I reckon

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
It's freezing and snowing in my part of MM I thought we'd put in a request for no snow in February !!
What a good job Mr Magic drove us up to sunny Manchester in Winnie during the night
Just love Manchester, fabulous place. What an exciting day we have lined up girls . We had better unload the provisions and the "Director Chair" with LOTM's name on it. I know he's not the Director but that's what they call those canvas chairs isn't it? We've gotta get into the zone today ladies
Who's gonna be clapper loader and runner?
I have managed to grab the Boss, even though he's been on set since 6am and I've given him a very hasty H&BFL check. I got a LOOK from the resident Film Crew Nurse but she got a LOOK back from me Look lady, nobody lays a finger on Our Man while we're on duty
Curly, the costume lady is hovering, get ready to assert yourself As for the Filmset Decrumpler, well, watch out Madam, A/Liz is ready to go.
He's FIT FIT FIT ladies
Who was it said in Dickens Great Expectations "What larks Pip"? What larks LOTM?
Oooooh, could it be Dickens Top Hat, TWB's
Hope everyone's well. Thanks for all your good wishes girls. The knasher, or lack of it, is fine. I'm back eating toast for breakfast I've got a very busy day in R/L, so see you all later

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning Sue good morning everyone...
OOOO! we're already in Manchester!!!...
I thought I'd missed Mr Magic's there for a minute LOLOLOL!!!...wondered why it was so quiet in MM this morning! LOLOLOL!...

Morning Sue... sorry we must have crossed You're quick off the mark this morning LOL!...
Nooooooo!!!not the dreaded snow!!! brrrr! ...we don't want that in February!!!!

I'd better go and sort out that Costume lady toot! sweet!!! I'll not have her interferring with
the LOTM's private clothes collection...LOL!
Enjoy Monday everyone I've got a really busy one today...

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. Brrr , it was a bit parky in Winnie last night. Luckily LOTM spent the night in a nice hotel. We can't have that, ladies, we must make sure Winnie is suitably warmed up in future. Just as well he's only here for a day (for the moment), we've time to get revved up and ready to go for when he starts filming in earnest.

You're right, Sue, this film crew do seem keen to get their mitts on LOTM - can't imagine why when we are here to tend to his every need. I had to have strong words with the Filmset De-Crumpler. She had absolutely no idea what LOTM expects.

Enjoy your toast, Sue!

Hi C/Liz - we clashed!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning A/Liz so we did...
Sue...you were even quicker and beat us both today LOL!

A/Liz...I was so slow with my first story line this morning...by the time I'd posted it, (in the Manor with lots of work to do!!! - now deleted) ...we were already on the Film Set in Manchester... That's what I call fast work Sue LOLOLOL!
That'll teach me to get up earlier!!!
See you all later

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies no snow, yet, in my part of MM although it's very cold and cloudy.

LOTM was asking if he could have a and a nibble of something as he was on the set so early, but it seema he has to wait until there's a break in filming

If the rumours are true Ladies, we need to Be Prepared for Mr magic to whisk us off somewhere foreign and warm

Re: White Jeans 22

If the rumors are true, and of course there is no way of knowing, there is quite a bit of travel involved. And a juicy role for LOTM to get his teeth into; bit of a bad boy (that fits in with Radio comment from yesterday!!) Nice challenge - I would imagine Mr B had more than one side to him. Quite a love story as well.

Re: White Jeans 22

It would be something totally different to what LOTM has done before, I think it could be really good and it's a 5-part series. But, of course it might not be this at all.

In which interview was the 'bit of a bad boy' comment made? I seem to have missed that.

Re: White Jeans 22

Jenni (no idea how to spell her name) called him a 'naughty Essex boy' rather than a 'bad boy'. So not quite a complete fit there; I think Mr B was more than a little naughty.

Re: White Jeans 22

Ah, thanks Asher, I'm with you now. Duh!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Hi Asher, nice to see you in MM. Of course, if the Boss is in Mrs B, we don't know what part he'd play (not necessarily Mr B) .... as long as he doesn't have to lose his curls!! Imagine turning up at the concerts and finding he's been shorn!!!!

LOTM is back home now - and still hasn't spilled the beans - so he's safe in MM staff's hands for a few more days yet.

Phew! Didn't fancy spending another night in Winnie until we've got the heating sorted out properly. However, by the time we're on set regularly, Winnie will be the height of luxury once more.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies Brrr! it's certainly a cold one in my part of MM today...We've had a light flurry of 's too... go!!!away!!!!snow!
Goodness me! what excitment and intrigue there is in the Manor this morning...
The only person staying very quiet is the LOTM awww!... LOL!
What a little teaser he is?
Still, all may be revealed soon I expect...
I was wondering if I could temp him with some lovely new designer clothes this morning, you never know, he may just let 'something slip'!!!!...
All we need is a teeny weeny slice of 'insider information' about his new role!!! Isn't that right ladies? (yeah! and pig's might fly!!!) Well a girl has to try eh?
Have a lovely day everyone, and stay safe if you have snow! or slippery paths today...

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. Hi C/Liz, you just beat me to it. It certainly is snowing in MM today (well, in the grounds, IN MM would imply there's a hole in the roof! )

Lots of innuendo / outuendo going on about LOTM's new role, isn't there? Still no clues, but he keeps giving me mysterious smiles ....

I'm incommunicado again today - left my phone on the sofa (I'm now at work). This is becoming a habit .... Grrr

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning A/Liz... ooooo! nooooo! no mobile again today!!!...poor you!!!
I hate doing that!!!! you feel so cut off from the world...but doesn't it make you realise just how much we rely on them these days?...
Did you have your mind distracted by other things, like our Gorgeous Boss? mind you, who hasn't? LOL!
We shall need a bigger tin opener from Joan's kitchen if we are ever going to
open the Boss's 'Can of beans' today

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
Just a sprinkling of with me today, although blink and you'll miss it. Still better now than mid-February, don't want it then, nooo.
We have in MM though, but it's nice and warm in the house, just as well we don't need the at the moment, unless the LOTM knows different.
Oh dear A/Liz, annoying when that happens. At least when you're at work you have the pooter, should any news break . Chances are that when we do know what the LOTM's doing, it will be completely different from any of the things speculated about

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Annie... it still keeps trying to here unfortunately, (very fine and wet snow) but better now than in February I agree...We don't want to be wearing 'wellies' (even pretty ones LOL!)
everywhere, do we?

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
No snow with me today thank goodness but soooooo cold
I have just done the H&BFL checks and waved the LMI around a bit It didn't work girls. He just laughed and said "I know you won't use that on me" Oh heck What a tease he is
Btw... just driving home in R/L when Ken Bruce played Pulp..Common People. I sat at the traffic lights thinking what I would give to hear LOTM sing that one, phew
He is FIT FIT FIT ladies
Sorry about your phone A/Liz. You must be so frustrated, it's like losing your right arm isn't it. How did we manage before mobiles....
Have a great Tuesday everyone and keep warm.

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Sue... oooh! yes would love to hear the Boss sing that one!!!...
Enjoy your day, and stay warm too. Not long to wait now, for Bournemouth. Squeee!

Re: White Jeans 22

LOTM is visiting Mr Titchmarsh tomorrow

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon ladies...
Yoo! Hoo! Joem...ooooo! so it's true then, I wonder what the LOTM
will reveal tomorrow!!!... NEWS!....ladies! don't get too excited, LOL!...News on AT...
about his exciting role in a British Drama I mean!...Can't wait!...
Anyone up for afternoon and ?
I think we'll serve it in the lounge this afternoon, it's really warm in there...
More than it is outside today, that's for sure...

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
White Rabbits White Rabbits White Rabbits

February is HERE
Freezing again isn't it but HOT HOT HOT in MM today
I've just cancelled what I was doing in R/L later, as the Boss is on A/T. Can't miss that!!
I've just done the H&BFL checks and he is FIT FIT FIT ladies He's very excited I told him we were slightly interested too
Oooooooooh, what can it be ????????
Hope everyone is well, keep warm girls. Got visions of us all curled up in front of the telly this afternoon, noses touching the screen

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies.

Whoo hoo - February it is!!! Not long to go now!!!

I've given LOTM a special decrumple as he has to look his best for AT this afternoon. C/Liz, I trust you'll be selecting something special from his wardrobe ....

I wonder if we all email Mr AT, we could get him to interrogate LOTM as to what his acting role will be ... just a thought!

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies...White rabbits indeed Sue...
WOO! HOO!...at last, the month we have all been waiting so patiently for, has arrived...
A/Liz the LOTM will look stunning this afternoon, dressed in an outfit he has chosen from his recently purchased designer range!...
He's going to too!...Squeee!
I wonder which track from his Album he will choose.
OOOOO! can't wait...
See you later in the lounge ladies

Re: White Jeans 22

Oxygen anybody?

Re: White Jeans 22

Yes please Sue...LOL!
Ooooo!...didn't the Boss look and sound amazing! on AT this afternoon....

I thought he would choose his 'whistle and flute' today...F A B U L O U S!!!!
He had to have a little help from his 'Mistress of the Robes' earlier though!!!
I wish!!!...
Blue cocktails anyone???

Re: White Jeans 22

Phwoar, Phwoar, Phwoar. What can we say girls? How can we cope with our jobs in the Manor when our Boss goes on ITV looking and sounding like that !! I keep rewinding it over and over. Phwoar again. So sorry, very bad taste but didn't he look edible
You excelled yourself Curly..... I could see your touch all over him....dress sense wise of course
What about Anthem !! I'm so glad my neighbour thought he was fabulous. She has always suffered from a strange affliction. She claims to not understand the attraction Think she's seen the light this afternoon

Re: White Jeans 22

Yes please Curly, I need a blue cocktail. Any of that oxygen left Sue? Ive had to watch the recording several times purely as a critic, you understand, problem is, each time I watch it I so have to watch again This may take some time

What a performance, unbeatable, he looked stunning

Curly your hard work paid off

We nearly crashed there Sue

Re: White Jeans 22

Good Morning Ladies, very cold but as yet no here and the is shining.

Nine days and counting to LOTM's first concert at Bournmouth. After yesterday's performance what a treat we are in for

Sue, I know you are LOTM's but I hope you won't mind if I suggest MM staff should keep up their Vitamin C intake, we don't want anyone going down with the sniffles do we let alone pass on anything to LOTM Actually I notice you have already set the ball rolling by having an orange yesterday if we could add some it should help to keep us fit

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