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Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
Very quick visit from me today. Didn't the LOTM look edible and delicious yesterday (and his voice wasn't bad too ). LVM obviously enjoyed his performance too (I'm talking about the AT show) .
Must go as I have to be away in 10 mins.

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning joem, morning ladies
Even colder than yesterday in my part of MM but no snow thank goodness. I think we will have to have a word with Magic Meteorological Services to see if they can sort these conditions out for us before Saturday the 11th. Thank heavens LOTM is not doing a Concert in Moscow this month
Yes indeed joem, I think you have hit upon a good idea to partake of extra VitC before our marathon trip around the country with the Boss. Yes, I did start yesterday. Our Petrus was quick of the mark picking up my actions wasn't she
Honestly, if a girl can't partake of a fruity treat while watching the box in private....
I have been very dithery dodah doing the H&BFL checks this morning. I was balancing a glass of OJ and taking his BP, all at the same time Multi-tasking
He is FIT FIT FIT ladies
Could I suggest two items for the agenda at the next Staff meeting please.
1) Is it safe to let our LOTM out, looking like he did yesterday.
2) Should we accompany him at all times (with the LMI)

Keep warm everyone. I've put a bowl of oranges on the kitchen table. Help yourselves. Gotta keep our strength up for the next few weeks
Morning Annie, enjoy your day.

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies...very brrr..isk!!!... in my part of MM today too, but at least the sun is shining...
Hi Annie... oooo!!! yes, didn't the LOTM look really stunning yesterday... and 'Anthem' just brought tears to my eyes, it was so beautifully sung...
It was really sweet to see LVM's public support for him too...awww! bless!...
Hi A/Liz...be prepared!!! when you do your job this morning...the Boss seems very hyper!!! after his very successful performance on AT yesterday...

Hi Sue and Joem...don't overdo the standing double 'O's!! today...LOL! we don't want any injuries before next week!!!...
VIT C (via oranges) sounds like a good idea though!...I think I'll go and have my first dose!!! ...You know what they say!!! 'little and often'! is good for you...

Quick visit for me today too...so I must away to sort out another stunning outfit for the Boss to wear later...
Sue...Looking like he did yesterday, are we even safe with him????
Enjoy Thursday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies - internet's been down at work, only just come back on Don't they know I have important forums to visit and people to de-crumple???

Yes, C/Liz, I had great difficulty in pinning LOTM down, he was super-hyper!!! Wasn't he just stunning yesterday?

Sue, thank you for topping up the fruit bowl. Those oranges are very 'moorish' aren't they? you can never have too much Vit C.

Why do you want to take the LMI with us when we accompany LOTM on tour? Won't it scare him? Or is it more to fend off over-enthusiastic followers?

I notice Petrus mentioned LOTM's 'shag pile' too - Oh Yes!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning A/Liz. Yes I did notice our description of LOTM's curls. I thought discussing that observation together with my private Standing O was a bit dangerous
The Large Medical Instrument is strictly for warding off various over enthusiastic bystanders
As it came in so handy with the Filmset Nurse and the Film Wardrobe lady on Monday, I thought we had better arm ourselves at all times following yesterday's droolfest on National Telly

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon ladies....
Oi!!!...Petrus you leave his beautiful CURLS alone!!!...
'Shag pile' indeed!!!... ... No 'tot of rum' for you tonight!
Seriously though, a little trim for the Boss wouldn't come amiss...LOL!....
Ouch!...did I really say that???
Wouldn't it be amazing to see our LOTM wearing a fabulous!!!'Slick Black Suit'
during his 'Luuve Tour'???? ....
Well, nod! nod! wink! wink!...I have it on good authority that we may just be lucky!!!...
I have been rummaging through the latest delivery of designer clothes to the Manor, and have just found a particularly fine looking black suit, and thought how stunning the Boss would
look in it!!!
What do you think ladies?...Shall we discuss it over a nice hot cuppa and large slice of
Sue... your LMI with the sharp pointy end will be a necessity, if he wears that suit!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon, C/Liz. Ooh, no, don't trim his curls, I lurve his hair long!!! I wonder if he's growing it for his forthcoming acting role ......

Yes, nice selection of suit! You (and Phil ) have made a good choice there! (Hope it's tight in all the right places!!! )

Any left? I'm starving!

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon A/Liz...plenty of left...help yourself...LOL!
You found out my little secret about the suit then!!! tee! hee!...
Yep!...the suit chosen by the LOTM will be measured to perfection,
if I have anything to do with it!!! You know me, 'I do like to get those angles right!
Noooo!...we'd better not cut his CURLS
just in case you're right about him needing them longer for the new role...so intriguing!!!
Talking about has really made me hungry...
better go and have some food in R/L...

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies... it's a quick visit to MM for me today...having the old 'barnet' sorted...
(well more like the odd hair re-designed! really LOL!) ready for 'The Love Tour'
A girl must look her best at all times for the LOTM
Not long to wait now...Woo! Hoo!
Sue... we'll need the bongs! going soon. Yay!
Enjoy Friday everyone, and try to keep warm.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. Brrrr!!! What a chilly one it is

LOTM is still snuggled up under the duvet, in the four-poster. As you can imagine, it was quite difficult to decrumple him under the circumstances, , but he refused to emerge from under the covers, so I had to go for it. Devotion to duty etc etc.

Good luck with the barnet, C/Liz. I'm having mine sorted next week.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies....Brrr! still very cold here in my part of MM today, especially after my 'banet trim' yesterday!!!
We have a 'Yellow Warning' of wall to wall snow due over the next couple of days in MM...Argh! nooo!... so we'd better 'batten down the hatches' ladies!
Can't be all bad though - quite fancy going into hibernation with the LOTM !!!... ...
A/Liz...The Boss was quite reluctant to turn back the duvet this morning...all I could see were his lovely long CURLS! tumbling out onto his pillow... You may have to use that same MO on him again today...
Shout!...if you need any help!!! LOL!
Joan is that you lurking!!! in the kitchen this morning? ...I'm sure one of your full English brekkies will soon get the LOTM out of his bed!!!...Hope everything is well with you
I'd better go and sort out some warm clothes for the Boss now...just in case he has some important appointments to keep later...
Whatever you are doing today, stay warm and safe everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Good evening ladies. A little bird (now silenced) told me LOTM is 'oop north' again today ... . Hope he's not snowed in (and has his thermals!!). Not a flake of the white stuff in my corner of MM yet, but it's so cold! Brrr .

Another R/L disaster - car gear box has packed up. £750. Unbelievable.

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
It's a bit today isn't it. Hope you're not all under. Had about 3 ins. of in my part of MM, but only just over a mile away (on the coast) none at all.
Hope the LOTM got home OK last night if it was only meant to be a 'day thing' yesterday. . Sounds like he might be out enjoying the in MM now , think he's going to make a snowman for little Betsy..aww.
Perhaps we'll walk to the P&F at lunchtime .

A/Liz - , oh no, not what you needed was it, what an awful run of bad luck you're having. Hopefully the LOTM will cheer you up at the weekend.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies from a snowbound Poacher & Ferret! LOTM is in the middle of a snowball fight, working up an appetite for his Sunday roast! Watch out, girls, here he comes with a handful of snow and a wicked glint in his eye ....... aarrrgh!!!!

Right, it's war, let's all pin him down and stuff some snow in his ... er ... erm .... Blimey, that's a big one (snowball)!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Of course, that should have read P&F - Manchester franchise, as LOTM is still there!

Re: White Jeans 22

saw that too, these P&F's get everywhere

Re: White Jeans 22

WOW! WOW! WOW!....what a wonderful treat this afternoon listening to the LOTM
on Power Radio...
Sorry ladies...nearly forgot my manners there for a nano-second...Too overcome!!!!
Sue... I need some of your oxygen quick!!!...
Afternoon ladies...
Thanks A/Liz for that Link to Power Radio... and sorry to hear about the car gear box...
Ouch! not good at all!!...
Mmmmmm! I'm in luuve!!! again!!!...well it never stopped really...just keeps getting steadily stronger!!!...
What a lovely interview, and what a sexy voice throughout it too. ...I mean the Boss's of course...LOL! - great to hear so many of his songs played this time too...Squeee THUD!...
Roll on 11th Feb
Think that calls for a nice hot cuppa - I'll go and make a brew for the rest of the Staff...

Re: White Jeans 22

I think I need something stronger than a cuppa, C/Liz - totally Meadmushed after that Power Radio programme this afternoon!

Re: White Jeans 22

I think you're right - ... although in my case after all the
snow I've cleared today!!!...a 'back rub' by the LOTM
wouldn't go amiss either!!!
I'm sure I could still balance a glass somehow though!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Wasn't that fantastic to hear so many songs by the LOTM . After which I just had to play one of his 'old' albums again , completely forgot I was washing up dirty dishes.
Can you wait till Tuesday for your back rub C/Liz, or will that be too late as looks like the LOTM's not back till then. One of us would offer, but I don't think that's what you had in mind

Re: White Jeans 22

Annie - still have Mr Magic though!!! I could be up there in Manchester in no time!!! ...
(I wish) LOL!

I agree it was a fabulous interview and programme - I couldn't believe it, when the songs just kept on coming...even after the interview had finished too...(ie.'Paint It Black')
It has to be one of the best ones yet...especially with all the advertising the Boss managed to get for his songs too... PHEW!... I feel exhausted now, and as A/Liz put it earlier, totally 'MEADMUSHED' too... LOL!

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies
Bitterly cold in my bit of 'Manchester' . LOTM was up with the lark with his filming exploits - needless to say, I wasn't, so he has gone out un-de-crumpled. He still looked absolutely jaw-droppingly gorgeous, though . He's had the hotel's full English to set him up for the day (but it wasn't a patch on Joan's, of course!).

Hope everyone's not too cold. The temp in our office was 6 deg. this morning - the heating hadn't come on! . It was warmer outside in the snow!

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning A/Liz, good morning everyone...
You're right, it's still very cold... Brrr! and quite foggy in my part of Manchester too this morning...
Hope we get rid of the snow by the weekend!!!...I think my 'wellies' have sprung a leek!!!
The LOTM really surprised us this morning leaving at the crack of dawn. What a good job I left out some warm clothes for him last night...LOL!
Sue...you'll probably need to go to the film studios to do your duty today...
The Boss was 'up with the larks' (robins doesn't sound quite right) and gone before you could say FIT! FIT! FIT! LOL!...
I can just picture you running round the Film Studios this morning,
with all your instruments 'flapping about in the wind'!!! trying to keep up with him LOL!
A/Liz... I hope your office warms up soon...
Stay safe today ladies...

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
Another morning in my part of Manchester, (no fog though) but I can hear a slow drip, drip outside, so thaw setting in I hope .
Sounds like the LOTM was on a mission then today being up so early, perhaps he'll tell us about it when he comes back later (some chance ).
I have a busy day, so need to get on.

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies. very cold where I am too, the temperature has managed to crawl up to freezing Loads of snow and some fog as well. But hey! LOTM is at Bournemouth Saturday and we WILL be there.

Oh dear I was still asleep when he left, he didn't make a sound

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
Reporting in from tropical "Manchester"
No snow in my part of the Manor but bitterly cold
Take care girls, we don't want to arrive in Bournemouth in wheelchairs or crutches Not a good look. We must remember to take off the Ice Treads fixed to our Jimmy Choos before joining the Boss
Girls, I have emailed you with some fabulous R/L news
Curly, could you possibly weild some authority with the Filmset Nurse please? I'm quite determinded to do LOTM's H&BFL check even though he is engaged in Camera Light Action stuff but she is obstructing me . We are giving each other LOOKS and she is waving a enema syringe in my direction
I have decided to fight back and so I have produced the LMI and WILL use it on her if she doesn't get her mitts of our man soon
LOTM is not aware war has broken out between us and each time he looks across at us we smile through gritted teeth and pretend to discuss his Care Plan. She could well be wearing said Care Plan if she doesn't leave him alone. She wants to know if his Tetanus is up to date If she produces a needle there will be total chaos on set

Re: White Jeans 22


well of all the places I could be carrying out my pirating mischiefs currently,I'm just minding my own business up here in Warringtonland currently docked on the Manchester ship canal, and who should mosey on up here?

*evil giggle*

and I hear the LOTMs jewels are up here too...

ha ha haaaaaa..... I'm off to polish me cutlass...


Re: White Jeans 22

Well,well, look who's parked up on the Manchester Ship Canal. If it isn't our old adversary, Petrus the Hah.
Could we call a truce for today please so you could join us with your cutlass on the filmset? I have a slight problem with the Filmset Nurse who is even more determined than you to grab the LOTM's jewels
Could you defend his honour and guard his baubels, while we carry out our various duties please. I feel that if we have you standing over us flashing your cutlass and baring your teeth, we might just get the upper hand........
Looking forward to seeing you in R/L very soon
Morning ladies
Still chilly in my part of the Manor but no snow thank goodness.
Thanks to the I have been able to give the Boss a good going over this morning and can report he is FIT FIT FIT
Curly, when shall we start bonging? The week is flying by
Off to the Dr's Surgery with OH for a fasting cholesterol blood test. It always feels weird when we go as patients OH hates needles as much as LOTM, so several Practice Nurses are needed to hold him down
Have a great Tuesday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Well! 'aha!! me hearties'! and 'shiver me timbers!' if it isn't our very own Petrus parked up there in Manchester... Bit of a 'come down' from the high seas... parking 'The Jolly Roger' in a cannal isn't it? LOL!...Getting up to no good again I expect...but if you play your cards right Petrus and look after, as opposed to molest, the LOTM today, you may just get that extra 'rum tot' you missed out on the other day...LOL! Hope to see you again soon

Sue...there's no time like the present for starting the bongs!!!!...you just Bong! away to your heart's content LOL!...
BTW have you told the Boss about these BONGS of your's???? he might be able to give you something for it!!!! that would make for interesting conversation I reckon!!!!
I'm orf! now, to dress the LOTM Woo! Hoo! I love my job!!!!
Have a good day everyone, and stay safe

Re: White Jeans 22

well shiver me timbers and buckle my swash but it wasn't easy to get the through those locks, but I've done it and I'll rattle me cutlass at any Northern Lass that thinks she can mosy on in and fiddle with the LOTMs baubles, that's for thee and me to fight over

then to turn this pesky around and make for Cardiff Harbour where I'll be a dueling you for his pretty charms , ha hahhhhhhh!!


Re: White Jeans 22

Ahha Petrus never thought we'd see the day when you would join forces with the WJ lot against maverick jackaroos in the shape of Film Set Nurses fiddling with our LOTM's pretty charms. Can we come amidships tonight to join you in a tot of rum to celebrate? Could the Black Pig cope? (Or is that Captain Pugwash's boat?
As for the Cardiff voyage, we must guard against marauding Booty Hunters in the Bristol Channel, so could need to join cutlasses again.
His valubles are so precious that our paths must merge during the next fortnight and we must focus our duals on dodgy baubel raiders intent on intercepting our man and grabbing his sparklers. Brace your midships, or main braces, whichever is less painful and let battle begin...HAH

Re: White Jeans 22

WHAT! WHAT!...a 'Sparkler Grabbing!!!... eh???...
Well 'Pickle me walnuts'!!! (if I had any!!!)...We'll have you know...Petrus ...
MM Staff will not allow any 'Sparkler Grabbing', 'Bauble Bandits'!!!...either side of the
'Manchester Ship Canal'' (spelt it right this afternoon!!!) on Saturday night...
OR ELSE!!!! it will be 'Cutlasses at 50 paces'....
err!!!...umm!!!...on second thoughts... ...make that 20 paces!!!
(eyes not what they used to be!!!) at midnight...
Might just share a 'tot' or two of rum if though!!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Anyone reading this thread for the first time will think they have stumbled into another universe and we have all lost our marbles When I use the term "sparklers" I mean the diamond sort, not the ones that are used on November the 5th of course. That could cause untold problems

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue...they would certainly be 'Too Hot To Handle'!!!!!... that's for sure...!
but of course 'Diamond Sparklers are forever' certainly as far as
our gorgeous...'Diamond Geezer! is concerned...
Now where did I put my Cutlass polishing cloth?
See you later

Re: White Jeans 22

Why, oh why, didn't LOTM take a leaf out of our book tonight? He's not having a good evening - he's trodden on a pigeon, and is now stuck on a train. He should have gone with Mr Magic, like we do, and been transported home in a trice. He'd be tucked up in MM in his black jimjams by now, under the silk duvet, all ready for his early start tomorrow morning.

Instead, he's going to try to have a little doze on the train - so he may well be stiff in the morning and need a massage.

Re: White Jeans 22

Phew!...the LOTM only just made it to the BBC Studios this morning after
that dreadful journey home last night...
BUT!...boy! oh! boy!...didn't he look gorgeous this morning...
Phew!...any of that oxygen left Sue? LOL!

Good morning ladies...bit dull and dismal in my part of MM this morning...but after watching our gorgeous Boss in his blue jeans, dark blue shirt and...BROWN! shoes!!!...
(I'm sure I didn't leave those out for him this morning!!!LOL!) on 'Breakfast'...
the day just got better...
Love the two 'vids' filmed in London too...especially 'Falling Slowly'
Still no 'Spilling Of The Beans' on his British Drama though
Well this won't do. I must get on with some chores now
Have a lovely day ladies

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. My RL day off, so was able to watch LOTM this morning. Still the long hair - albeit a bit ruffled!! (As you could see, I didn't decrumple him today ). I bet he was shattered after last night. Loved what we saw of the vids too.

He's on again tomorrow (This Morning, isn't it, the one with Philip Schofield), then Gabby on Channel 5 on Friday, then SQUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEE, it's Saturday and Bournemouth!

It's my dentist day today, and I've had a call from them to say don't park in the drive, it's too icy (it's quite a steep slope). That means I have to walk up said icy drive and, even worse, back down it afterwards. Something else to think of other than my tooth!

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
The LOTM was looking good even though he can't have had much sleep last night . Did anyone notice Sian doing her Glinda 'toss, toss' bit as the interview finished and the credits came up. Yes, loved the little bits of vids, wish we could have seen them fully.

Good luck today A/Liz , wear crampons! Not long till Saturday now .

OH says I have to 'de-clutter' the Sky box today as it's full of 'my' stuff , can't think what I have on there . Nice job for a cold, cold day

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
Bit late on duty this morning as I've been chasing after LOTM to try and pin him down for his H&BFL checks. No luck I'm afraid, so I have done them on the move . He is FIT FIT FIT ladies
Lovely interview on Breakfast wasn't it. His beautiful eyes looked tired I thought but mouth- wateringly gorgeous. Yes Annie, I did notice Sian toss, tossing her hair Also, each time she interviews him she always manages to sort of touch his arm in some way doesn't she Remember when she stroked the sleeve of the Joseph Coat that time. Her eyes said it all . At the end of the interview when the camera moved away from the Boss, I was mesmerized by the sight of his knee at the side of the screen .
Hope all goes well with the dentist A/Liz
They seem to be forcasting more of the white stuff for the weekend Positive Thoughts......

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies. Survived both dentist and icy slope (well gritted, still lots of snow, OK to walk on but not so good for cars), but have to go back in 3 weeks. Whatever he's used on my tooth, it tastes horrible.

While I was chatting, as you do, waiting for the injection to take effect, we got talking about rugby amongst other things. Dentist is Welsh and a fanatic, so I mentioned us having to stay in Barry last year because of the rugby in Cardiff. It only turns out Dentist was born and bred in Barry!!!!

Just watched Sky+ again of LOTM's interview. I missed Sian's 'toss toss' the first time! I actually watched it live, and recorded only the relevant bit - but the recorder decided I wanted the entire programme, not just the few minutes of Our Man's appearance. It does that sometimes, records the whole programme, but you can guarantee that if I miss the start of something I really want to watch, it won't have recorded it then.

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
Bitterly cold in my part of the Manor with snow forcast for later tonight
I've had to wake LOTM to do the H&BFL checks, as I've got an early start in R/L.
He is FIT FIT FIT ladies
I've set the Virgin Magic Box to record This Morning but could I please beg if he tells what the drama is, please could you text me, as I'm not near the poot all day. Thanks girls
Hope you are tooth happy this morning A/Liz
Have a great Thursday everyone and keep warm

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies still very cold in my part of MM this morning too...
A/Liz...You must have been pleased to get that dental appointment over with yesterday. I do hope the tooth is more settled this morning.
Sue...that must have been the quickest LOTM medical examination ever this morning. I hope you didn't pull anything!!! ...like muscles!!!....errr!...yours not his!!!
Well it's all excitement here in the Manor today. The LOTM is appearing on 'Breakfast'...so I must away, and sort out the wardrobes, and be right ready for his TV. appearance later...
Have a lovely day everyone.

Re: White Jeans 22

Just been catching up with LOTM's performance this morning. Wasn't he GORGEOUS???? I think he got a bit emotional at the end there!

Poor boy, though, he got none of Holly's lovely cake! He was back in MM this afternoon scouring the kitchen to see if Joan had anything for him. We know he's always hungry!

What we didn't want in MM this evening, but it's happening in my corner - is more SNOW!!! The pavements were mostly clear (except the ones in the shade), and now they're getting a sprinkling again. Hope that's all it is. Everything crossed for Saturday.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies we have the sunshine hurray!!!...but no more snow in my part of MM this morning thank goodness...
A little 'birdy' tells me that the LOTM may have some problems with this morning though!!!
Well!...what about the Boss (performing on 'This Morning') yesterday!!!
Just so gorgeous!!!PHEW!!!... ...and he sung
such a beautiful version of 'Your Song' too...so emotional...
"Love it!...Love it!...Love it!"...
Although we had a lot of 'faffing' about in his wardrobes yesterday morning!!!...LOL!...I eventually managed to encourage him to choose that lovely dark blue suit, pale blue shirt and dark coloured tie...!!! (I wish!) ...mmm!
Oh! dear this dreaming will not do...lots to get on with today
Only one more sleep ladies
Let's hope the weather is kind to us over the weekend...
Have a good day, and stay safe everyone.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. Well, the snow was anything but Falling Slowly in MM last night. Brassington took one look at it and retired underneath LOTM's fourposter. At one point LOTM was seriously worried about being snowed in. (visions of him getting all hot & sweaty, wielding a shovel in the snow ... )

I've given him a good de-crumple in advance of his appearance on Gabby today. Just hope he makes it!

Re: White Jeans 22


Re: White Jeans 22


We're off to a chilly start, -9 in my part of MM but it will soon be

Safe journeys everyone, see you there

Re: White Jeans 22

Here we go girls
I have just done the H&BFL checks and he is FIT FIT FIT and a bit more FIT FIT FIT today
Safe journeys to all travelling today
See you later. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
today, but then we knew it would for the LOTM didn't we. Very isn't it, but a night to come
Hope behave themselves today,just seen there's a broken down train on the line I'm using, can't take them 3 hours to move it, or can it? . See you sometime later

Re: White Jeans 22

Whoo hoo!! Today's the day!!!

Absolutely freezing in my corner of MM, but as everyone says, it will be tonight!

Also, to C/Liz today - what a way to spend it!

Annie, NOOOO, can't have broken down trains on your line. I haven't dared look at ours, I must admit.

Right - Bournemouth here we come! Squeeeeeeeee!!

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