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The CBS Children's Film Festival
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Re: Johnstown Monster

Yes. You can contact me at

Re: Johnstown Monster

Thanks, Phil! I've added a link to your email adress on the main CCFF page for TJM and MHK.

Re: Johnstown Monster

Thanks to Phil we can all now enjoy a truly great childrens' film. The Film still holds up and the transfer is beautiful.

Re: Johnstown Monster

He Folks...Guess what...I was the one who originally started this thread about the Johnstown Monster and I still don't have a copy of it! I know that Phil was able to get the film on Ebay and he transferred it to DVD. Can someone who knows Phil or bought it from him, let me know how to reach Phil so I can get a copy of it? Or if you have a copy of the DVD can you make me a copy? There's 2 of us who want it...thanks!
DAniel W.

Re: Johnstown Monster

Did you email Phil using the address in his post above?

Re: Johnstown Monster

>Can someone who knows Phil or bought it from him, let me know how to reach Phil so I can get a copy of it? Or if you have a copy of the DVD can you make me a copy? There's 2 of us who want it...thanks!
DAniel W.

I received your email and answered it. The ball's now in your court. :)

Re: Johnstown Monster- Mr. Knibbles

Do you still have Mr.Knibbles on 16mm ? Have you ever made A transfer of it to Video ? Also would you be willing to sell it? Let me know, Thanks, Luke

Re: Johnstown Monster

Hello Phil,

I am doing research for a forthcoming book on collecting Irish Movies and I'm very anxious to obtain a copy of "The Johnstown Monster" if at all possible. Please can you let me know if it is still available?

Best wishes.


Re: Johnstown Monster

Sure. I'll email you when I return home.


Re: Johnstown Monster

Hello Phil... I too would love to obtain a copy of the Johnstown Monster. Please let me know if this is still possible. I have been searching for a long time and finally came across this thread. This is just one of those little childhood memories i would really enjoy sharing now that i have children of my own.



Re: Johnstown Monster

Check your email. :)

Re: Johnstown Monster

Hi Phil

Are you still able to send copies of the johnstown monster? Would love one if you could - me and my sisters have been looking for this for years!


Re: Johnstown Monster

Yes. :)

Re: Johnstown Monster

Hi, I have been looking for the Johnstown Monster DvD for several years. I was wondering if I could get a copy of the dvd from you.
Looking forward to hearing from you,

Bridget Gander

Re: Johnstown Monster

Hi Bridget,

Yes, I can send you a copy of the DVD. Just send me an e-mail at the address referenced above (minus the REMOVETHISPART) and we can set up the arrangements.

Re: Johnstown Monster

iv sent you a email buddy

Re: Johnstown Monster

ok it wnt let me email you it keeps saying that it failed for whatever reason

if you could please email me

Re: Johnstown Monster

Amazing! Me too! I can still sing the song and was mystified by the show as a kid. I am also looking for it and found you. I am 47.