Book of Reflections

sorry to all those 250 people who signed my last guestbook, guestQ was hacked, and I lost all of your entries...

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June 13th 2008
12:48:57 PM
What is your name?  

Joanne Marksby

Are you a Witch?  


How did you enjoy my site?  

Very interesting and fantastic to find someone who is genuine and so honest. The advice was helpful its comforting to see others in this world who look beyond there noses and enbrace all that life is.

What can I add that you would like to see?  

more advice on protection from negativity in the world.

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

most of them over about 5 days lol !!

Do you believe in magick?  

definatly and the power of good will and karma

Do you believe in faeries?  


Have a guess at my real name?  

I would like to guess Hope, and if thats not your name then its your nature

What is your age group?  


what kind of music do you listen to?  

I love all sorts ranging from classical to dance.

Do you tell lies?  

i'm no good at lying, there is no point anyway

Will you come here again?  


Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  

lol no your website deserves indepth feedback i really enjoyed visiting

What is your favourite quote or saying?  

it's a dogs life

What is your message?  

Thank you for a wonderful experience on your site it does re-ignite the love and respect we have and wish for the world around us, that day to day life some times represses.

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March 8th 2008
11:55:22 PM
What is your name?  

Randi Dickerson

Are you a Witch?  

i'm not sure i have an ability to know things rite before they happen and it got stronger upon my 16 b-day and i feel really attracted to witchcraft and paganism more than my own religion!

How did you enjoy my site?  

i enjoyed it very well i just wanted to get more indepth with magick and spell books and things of that nautre!

What can I add that you would like to see?  

a spell book or some guidence for someone that thinks they have witch like actions and wants to find out about themselves!

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

no not really but most of them

Do you believe in magick?  


Do you believe in faeries?  


Have a guess at my real name?  


What is your age group?  


what kind of music do you listen to?  

any kind

Do you tell lies?  

just little white lies nothing major!

Will you come here again?  


Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  


What is your favourite quote or saying?  

to each is own!

What is your message?  

i just would like to find out more about witches because i think i might be one or something of that nature because i'm intouch with nature and i am so in love with witchcraft and pagan stuff! i't makes me feel comfort!

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February 10th 2008
04:34:19 PM
What is your name?  


Are you a Witch?  

I am in study and concider myself a young witch..

How did you enjoy my site?  

it great full of fun and very welcoming

What can I add that you would like to see?  

more on traditions,

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

no there lots to see and learn 1 page at a time hehe

Do you believe in magick?  

firmly with perfect love perfect trust

Do you believe in faeries?  


Have a guess at my real name?  

i wanna say rosa .....

What is your age group?  


what kind of music do you listen to?  

all most all no gang bang junk

Do you tell lies?  

i try not to

Will you come here again?  

it is on my fav list

Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  

if it makes u happy to know alittle bit about whos signing in Not at all

What is your favourite quote or saying?  

in perfect love and perfect trust ,other peoples opinon is just that other peoples,mind the Three fold Law. Blessed Be

What is your message?  

wicca is just not a day trip to church its a Life time Path

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February 6th 2008
03:20:41 PM
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January 12th 2008
02:39:23 AM
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December 11th 2007
09:49:21 AM
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November 9th 2007
04:27:23 AM
What is your name?  


Are you a Witch?  


How did you enjoy my site?  


What can I add that you would like to see?  

It's Perfect Just As It Is!

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

Yes, all of them :-)

Do you believe in magick?  


Do you believe in faeries?  


Have a guess at my real name?  

No, but I love your picture!

What is your age group?  


what kind of music do you listen to?  

All kinds

Do you tell lies?  

I would be lieing if I said No... but only little white lies.... LOL

Will you come here again?  

Of course I will.

Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  

Yep.... LOL

What is your favourite quote or saying?  

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

What is your message?  

You really have a wonderful site... I'll be back to visit again soon.
Thank you so much for the beautiful award you gave my website today.
Bright Blessings )O(

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October 4th 2007
07:23:28 PM
What is your name?  


Are you a Witch?  

currently studying The Craft, so I guess you could say I'm "In Training"

How did you enjoy my site?  

Loved It ... loved the humor and loved reading your views as a witch.

What can I add that you would like to see?  

Not sure. I didn't read about your own personal journey - but it might be here since I haven't read every page!

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

See previous answer. =)~

Do you believe in magick?  

Without a doubt

Do you believe in faeries?  

I'm a huge fan.

Have a guess at my real name?  

White Witch? Ok, I haven't a clue, but I love the sketch of you!

What is your age group?  

What's the cycle ... "Maid, Mother, Crone" ... I'm in the "Mother" stage of my life!

what kind of music do you listen to?  

A little bit of this, a little bit of that ...

Do you tell lies?  

Only if telling the truth will do more damage

Will you come here again?  

Yes! And I'm bringing my sister with me!

Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  


What is your favourite quote or saying?  

Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

What is your message?  

Christians, don't judge. What you're told in church about Wicca is NOT what it is. Study - knowledge is power and you may find yourself on a new path of enlightenment. If you REALLY want to confuse a Christian .. read Gen. 1:27 and see that there IS a God and Goddess ... or Mother and Father God. Mind blower.

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July 29th 2007
07:12:09 PM
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May 5th 2007
07:19:00 AM
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May 2nd 2007
12:00:19 AM
What is your name?  

Lira's Dree

Are you a Witch?  


How did you enjoy my site?  

I loved it.. could do with lots of new content for those of us who are regular readers. ;)

What can I add that you would like to see?  

More..more opinions, more of your spiritual journey, more of how you've found your way through life

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

Over time, yeah!

Do you believe in magick?  

I think it's in every breath we breathe

Do you believe in faeries?  

They're some of my best friends

Have a guess at my real name?  

Umm.. I never knew a girl with your name that I liked until I met you. Seriously, it made me rethink all of the judgments I'd made about the others.

What is your age group?  

I'm uh.. 20..uh.. 30-ish?

what kind of music do you listen to?  

I love a bit of everything, except Coltrane, just can't stomach him.

Do you tell lies?  

For the good of other's, maybe, otherwise I'd rather not

Will you come here again?  

Of course. I check in from time to time

Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  

nah.. I was always best at quizzes. When does the multiple choice start though?

What is your favourite quote or saying?  

You think we shoulda told her about the stepping stones?" said the second priestess having walked across the river.

The first priestess says, "What stepping stones?"

What is your message?  

Well, I figured that since you get so much hate mail, I'd add to it.

You're completely wonderful, wholeheartedly inspiring, and the best mother I've ever known. You go out of your way to make people feel included and have the most open mind I've ever encountered.

Ok, hate mail completed.

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April 28th 2007
04:45:26 PM
What is your name?  

Heather maria

Are you a Witch?  


How did you enjoy my site?  

very much so :-)

What can I add that you would like to see?  

nothing i can think of ( but i'm an empty head lol )

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

yep i did...

Do you believe in magick?  


Do you believe in faeries?  


Have a guess at my real name?  


What is your age group?  

as old as me tongue and a bit older than me teeth, as me nan used to say lol

what kind of music do you listen to?  

I will listen to anything once...

Do you tell lies?  

sometimes ;-)

Will you come here again?  


Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  


What is your favourite quote or saying?  

When the Goddess created man she was only joking.

What is your message?  

This is a **** hot site, very moving in parts and also very informative, well done you

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April 28th 2007
03:50:53 PM
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April 16th 2007
09:15:52 PM
What is your name?  

dawn ballard

Are you a Witch?  

no(would like to be)

How did you enjoy my site?  

love all the nooks and crannies, have it as a favourite

What can I add that you would like to see?  

more about how to become a white whitch , if there is a way to become one

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

still going through them, when i get a quiet moment

Do you believe in magick?  

yes, and fate and destiny

Do you believe in faeries?  

yes,as a mother of 5 daughters i believe in all fantasy

Have a guess at my real name?  


What is your age group?  


what kind of music do you listen to?  

all music, it is all there to be listened to

Do you tell lies?  


Will you come here again?  


Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  

no, i find it helps me to explore my self again.

What is your favourite quote or saying?  

what goes around comes around

What is your message?  

i am a christian, so reading your web site has opened the whole debate on pagan and christianity, i feel it is the same, i do not now go to church i do not need to be there to pray and have a fiath, i need to learn more about all faiths and beliefs, i do have a great interest in white witch craft and claivourency and medium ship, and the spirit world,I WANT TO LEARN MORE.

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April 11th 2007
06:04:52 AM
What is your name?  


Are you a Witch?  

yes i am

How did you enjoy my site?  

Very much so

What can I add that you would like to see?  


Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

most of them working on the rest

Do you believe in magick?  


Do you believe in faeries?  


Have a guess at my real name?  

no clue

What is your age group?  


what kind of music do you listen to?  

I listen to all music

Do you tell lies?  

To my children and sometimes to my boss

Will you come here again?  

yes saved it to my favorites

Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  


What is your favourite quote or saying?  

I don't have one at this moment

What is your message?  

This site is very informative. I enjoy all the graphics. I have a question for you. Did you draw all of them?

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March 8th 2007
12:15:33 AM
What is your name?  


Are you a Witch?  

Pagan is the term I use

How did you enjoy my site?  

Very lovely and informative!

What can I add that you would like to see?  

The text on the Poppets page is the same color as the background

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

I visited some, not all--but I can always come back thanks to bookmarks!

Do you believe in magick?  

Of course

Do you believe in faeries?  

Yup (but do they believe in me?)

Have a guess at my real name?  

No idea ;)

What is your age group?  

28 years, 4 months, 7 days.

what kind of music do you listen to?  

Mostly metal of various sorts

Do you tell lies?  

Only when I need to.

Will you come here again?  


Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  

Nah--I'm used to blog quizzes.

What is your favourite quote or saying?  

In the silence of the wild, we find the home we lost in the city. --John Muir

What is your message?  

ENjoyed my stay, liked the reading (some of the pagan humor I'd never seen!), loved the graphics :)

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March 7th 2007
02:01:44 PM
What is your name?  

Ranger Slayer

What is your message?  

Greetings! My name is Ranger Slayer and I must say you have done an outstanding job on your site! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit here and I thank you for sharing it with me. Come join us, Mystickal Realms, and gain more site traffic, win some awards and have fun. I feel that your site would fit in perfectly with our competition. I know you will really love it there!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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March 3rd 2007
08:08:44 AM
What is your name?  


Are you a Witch?  

no im not

How did you enjoy my site?  

yes i really do

What can I add that you would like to see?  

about fairies and other magical things

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

yes i do

Do you believe in magick?  

yes i do

Do you believe in faeries?  


Have a guess at my real name?  


What is your age group?  


what kind of music do you listen to?  


Do you tell lies?  


Will you come here again?  

of course

Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  


What is your favourite quote or saying?  

miracles will happen once in a while when you believe

What is your message?  

this web is gorgeous

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February 14th 2007
06:55:06 AM
What is your name?  


Are you a Witch?  

Sometimes... I wonder.

How did you enjoy my site?  

Very insiteful and educational... Unique poems

What can I add that you would like to see?  

You've covered it all... everything was fantastic!

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  

Yes I did!

Do you believe in magick?  

You bet your life I do.

Do you believe in faeries?  

Oh yes.

Have a guess at my real name?  

Sorry, I have no idea.

What is your age group?  


what kind of music do you listen to?  

Alternative... new age... classical

Do you tell lies?  

if only need be. lol

Will you come here again?  

more than likely

Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  


What is your favourite quote or saying?  

I know I'm an acquired taste - I'm anchovies. And not everybody wants those hairy little things.

What is your message?  

Blessed be to you and your loved ones!


February 3rd 2007
02:03:32 PM
What is your name?  

Aluna Singletree

Are you a Witch?  


How did you enjoy my site?  

It was very uplifting

What can I add that you would like to see?  

more web graphics and perhaps more poetry

Did you visit ALL the pages!!!!!?? (haha)  


Do you believe in magick?  

of course

Do you believe in faeries?  


Have a guess at my real name?  

Michelle or Danielle

What is your age group?  

50 plus

what kind of music do you listen to?  

Rock and new age

Do you tell lies?  

only to the benefit of others

Will you come here again?  


Are you tired of answering the questions yet?  


What is your favourite quote or saying?  

In must be the willow.

What is your message?  

Thank you for a beautifully rendered site.

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