Pitman&Handford Guestbook

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May 13th 2010
04:58:18 PM
Private Entry.
Viewing restricted to Guestbook Owner.

April 24th 2002
01:45:40 PM
What is your name?  

leonard handford

Where are you from?  

Lewistown Montana

Do you have any comments?  

(no comment)

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January 10th 2002
07:21:49 AM
What is your name?  

Gracie Hamlett (maiden)

How did you find this Web Site?  

Search on Hamlett

Do you have any comments?  

I am doing research on my family. father James Hamlett, GF Arnold Hamlett, GM Agnes Coffee Hamlett, all of Middle Tennessee area. Do you have any help. send to sligera@hotmail.com

August 9th 2001
09:37:10 PM
What is your name?  

Brad & Dave at Bravenet

Do you have any comments?  

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Dave and Brad

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