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Carol's Place Guestbook

March 21, 2014  This guestbook is for messages from visitor's to my page.

I manage EVERY new posting---NONE WILL BE SEEN BY ANYONE, IF THEY ARE COMMERCIAL POSTINGS---so don't waste your time-and mine!

THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO ADVERTISE, nor is it a place to promote sites aimed at an adult market.  Your message WILL BE ALTERED OR DELETED within 24 hours. 

I monitor this guestbook daily and I screen EVERY POST.

NOTICE TO BUSINESS OWNERS: This guestbook is for messages to me about my webpages. It is NOT a place to advertise your products. I monitor this site regularly and will delete this new form of SPAM. Please do not waste my time and yours. If, however, you simply leave a link to your site I would be happy to visit your page. (There is too much advertisement on the Net now...PLEASE don't add to it with your entry!)

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December 8th 2024
07:51:28 AM
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Looks good.


August 16th 2024
03:55:52 PM
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Francesco Sinibaldi

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Do you have any comments?  

L\'étoile des rêves.
( other version )

Dans les ombres
de la nuit une
étoile apparaît en
donnant la lumière
de la douce espérance,
c\'est l\'étoile de tes
rêves, le portrait
perpétuel qui revient
dans le noir pour
décrire le sourire
d\'une jeune fille
qui s\'enfuit...

Francesco Sinibaldi

The star of dreams. (other version) In the shadows of the night a star appears giving the light of sweet hope, it is the star of your dreams, the perpetual portrait which returns in the dark to describe the smile of a young girl who fled... Francesco Sinibaldi


August 4th 2024
06:27:37 PM
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Carol! We want an update on your life!


August 3rd 2024
04:15:34 PM
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How did you find this Web Site? - "surprise me"

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Do you have any comments?  

Dear Carol,

I hope you are doing well! I just spent over an hour reading your posts and got very emotional. It\'s a weird feeling to get to know a stranger like that. Even if you dont update this website anymore, I hope you still have an amazing life and write your thoughts down in some way. We lead very different lives in very different parts of the world, but I feel a little connected to you and your family now. Your \"Giddy Moon Poetry\" resonated a lot with me :) I will remember you, your husband (who seems to be a little afraid of the dark/his own imagination, just like me!), and your wishes for your grandchildren for a long time.

Greetings from Germany


April 11th 2024
03:03:54 PM
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James Allen

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Where are you from?  

Blackpool, UK

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Crazy this still works

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March 2nd 2024
10:19:08 AM
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Keep this site up, Its nice to see a little of the old web. When it had personality

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February 3rd 2024
03:20:41 PM
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What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Jack Frost Nipping At Your Nose

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Another website

Where are you from?  

California, USA

Do you have any comments?  

Hi Carol, I, too, have been running blogs forever since 1998. It\'s amazing how much the Internet has changed since then. Thank you for showcasing and keeping your domain up for so long. I wish I had done the same.

    Website website    

February 1st 2024
02:10:46 PM
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Arcelia Verana

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Random searching using the "surpise me" button on

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Im not sure if the website still going to be updated and what not but seeing the design of this website really brings back memories of the old internet.

Anyways, I hope everything has been going well for you! and hopefully going well further on.

Keep on going!

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January 12th 2024
08:00:59 AM
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very cute page. hope all is well :)


January 1st 2024
04:28:21 AM
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How did you find this Web Site? - Surprise Me

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Do you have any comments?  

Happy New Year, Carol. Beautiful website! I hope you\'re doing well. I found Carol\'s Place by serendipity and was happy to see the guestbook is still online, active, and maintained. It only feels right to sign it. I grew up on the old internet and I still miss it terribly. Even though you\'re no longer updating, it\'s heartwarming that sites like Carol\'s Place still exist. Thank you, and have a great year.


December 30th 2023
09:57:47 AM
What is your name?  


Where are you from?  

Windsor, UK

Do you have any comments?  

They really don\'t make sites like this anymore, hope all\'s well with you :)


December 28th 2023
03:41:51 PM
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Deb & Annabelle

Where are you from?  

Indiana, USA

Do you have any comments?  

Hi! Whatever happened to Blackie?

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December 27th 2023
02:50:45 PM
What is your name?  


Where are you from?  

Berlin Germany

Do you have any comments?  

Greetings, hope you’re doing well.


August 12th 2023
05:36:14 PM
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Do you have any comments?  

Greetings from Argentina, cool page :-)


July 15th 2023
09:31:39 PM
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Such a warm and welcoming site, lots of nostalgia. Love that it\'s sill alive and well. Cheers!

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July 15th 2023
06:41:58 AM
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I have no idea!

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Do you have any comments?  

This website is so wholesome and amazing and im really glad you found your love for HTML and such!!


January 3rd 2023
08:52:32 PM
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Where are you from?  

New York

Do you have any comments?  

really cool website! I hope it stays up for a long time :) I especially enjoyed the page about making teddy bears bc I am trying to make one myself so your tips were helpful!


January 1st 2023
03:57:53 PM
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Happy New Year, Carol. This site makes me feel very warm and at home


November 15th 2022
12:51:34 PM
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Searching go Vintage Fontanini Nativity

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Do you have any comments?  

Lovely Sight and Beautiful Photos of your Decked Out Home 🏡
I love the fact that you keep it out Year around !
My mom who is 93 usually does to, Past two years, since my father passed away in January
(Before Covid )she hasn’t wanted to put anything out but this year ........ we are going to again !
She has almost the entire same set that I am listing on my site
Wishing you a blessed and safe Thanksgiving and fabulous HOLIDAYS


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October 25th 2022
06:34:13 AM
What is your name?  

Janet Schehl

How did you find this Web Site?  

I was looking for a Fontanini Catalogue and did a general search.

Where are you from?  

Pahrump, Nevada. (Near Las Vegas)

Do you have any comments?  

Will be back soon to look at the website more. Pressed for time now. Thanks for listing the \"Fontanini Groups\". Nice to know there are other with the same obsession!!

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