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Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon Annie... that 'back to earth with a bump' came a bit suddenly to you this morning by the sounds of it!!!...ouch!!
Good job you weren't in the middle of changing from your beach wear at the time!!!
Mind you, knowing how kind and thoughtful our Boss is...I feel sure he would have rushed to your aid with his famous 'Kilworth Blanket' to cover your embarrassment!!!...and keep you warm!!!
Well you can always 'dream the dream' anyway!!!
Enjoy your day

Re: White Jeans 22

C/Liz, I happen to LOVE apricots!

Looks like LOTM hit the ground running last night and went straight off to a party, the minute they landed! Where does he get his energy from???

Annie, were you wearing your bikini when Mr Magic transported you back to MM? Gosh, I'd forgotten all about the Kilworth Blanket!

Incidentally, C/Liz, I saw some CKs yesterday with a design that could only be described as luminous shark's teeth! Do you think LOTM would like a pair or two?

Re: White Jeans 22

A/Liz...sharks 's teeth CK's!!! ...
I'm sure the LOTM would be brave enough to give them a go...he may have to wrestle with them a bit first though!!! ...Hope it's not feeding time!!!
Sue...watch out for any teeth marks this morning!!! ...and I do mean the 's!!! !!

Good morning ladies ...I think we'd better keep a tad quiet this morning, the Boss may be having a lie in, after the party last night...
I will sneak orf! to the wardrobes to do a bit of tidying up, and to sort out
his illuminous 'marine life' CK's for today.
Enjoy Monday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
Yes, I was still in my bikini A/Liz when Mr Magic whisked me away..I have had words with him though . Now had I had a kilworth blanket I would definitely have given it to the LOTM on Sat. night when he came out from that party, wouldn't have matter if I'd froze. . Better leave out some thermals for a few days C/Liz till he gets used to UK weather
If you get the LOTM any of those luminous CKs, we'd better make sure he doesn't go bungey jumping

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. I have been attempting to give LOTM a post-holiday/post-party de-crumple - unfortunately without much success. My back is still playing up, and I'm afraid I got stuck in a rather compromising position. LOTM was very understanding, but it was most disconcerting with those shark's teeth snapping away at me!

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
It's lovely to be back in the Manor isn't it. Not too chilly this morning here in Kent but LOTM is snuggled under the silk duvet with only a few curls showing. I had a bit of a tussle with him to pull the duvet off but he won. So, undetered I have done the H&BFL checks under cover so to speak. I'm glad to report that there are no teeth marks on his beautiful BFL . Phew, don't ask how I checked that....let's just say I look a little ruffled
He is FIT FIT FIT ladies
Hope your back is better today A/Liz.
Have a lovely Tuesday everyone.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning Sue, good morning everyone...yes it's a bit dull here in my part of MM this morning, but thankfully, quite mild...
Sue...CURLS! peeking out from under a silk duvet...what lovely thought for the day! ...
A/Liz... sending hugs ...hope your back is much better this morning...
I have changed the Boss's CK's today!!!...they're not so 'snappy'!!! snazzy!... but nevertheless interesting!...Well, if you are a 'botanist'! that is!!!
'Flower Power' ...and... 'Peace and Love' ...man!...
I remember reading all about this era in a history book recently!!!
Joyce...I think the CK pattern today, includes some of your favourite flowers!!!...Oh! yes!...and one rather tall sunflower too!...
Annie...I took your advice and offered the LOTM some thermals yesterday, but his answer was unrepeatable! LOL! ...just as well it's a mild day today...LOL!
Off into R/L now.
Have a lovely day everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Good Morning Sue, Curly and Everyone...dull and mild in my part of MM too.

Curly, you've made my day What more could a girl ask for, Flower Power CKs I see couldnt find a sunflower, have to leave that to your imagination


Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. Back is flippin' awful today, seems to be getting worse. Moving's OK, it sitting down at a desk and then standing up that's bad.

However, in MM I spent most of yesterday prone/prostrate (never could remember which is which) on LOTM's four poster. He offered to give me a rub down with the Deep Heat at one point, but I'm afraid I chickened out, girls, tempting though it was .....

C/Liz, I'm intrigued when you say you 'changed the Boss's CKs today' - were you wearing them, or did you help him out of them? Like the flower power ones!

Re: White Jeans 22

Evening ladies - just back from a very busy day in R/L...but just had enough time to visit the LOTM's wine cellar, where I came across a lovely bottle of vintage red wine, which I'm sure he wont mind us sampling later...
Joem and A/Liz glad you like the CK design today LOL!...
So sorry to hear that your back problems are still giving you trouble A/Liz...Do hope you get some relief from it soon...

A/Liz...The answers to your questions on the LOTM's CK's are as follows:-

1) No way!!!! LOL!
2) Chance would be a fine thing! but unfortunately...I'm not that girl!!!!!
Now I must away to search for some glasses... and see what Joan has in the way of goodies in her kitchen...
I wonder if the Boss is in residence tonight?...

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
A/Liz, hope your back is better today There's nothing worse than back pain. I have told LOTM and he is on a mission now with the DH, so brace yourself
I have given him a very speedy H&BFL check today, as I am out with the Non Lops in R/L. Not the PDO Non Lops but the other two
He was so lovely when I said I was busy and even offered to miss his health check I just grabbed him, pinned him to the treatment room couch and said "No way Sir, I'm going nowhere til I know you are Fit Fit Fit" Which he is ladies
Have a great Wednesday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
Nice with me today. Hope it's like this next month.
A/Liz - Oh what a nightmare about your back, just when you thought it was improving. Hopefully the doc. can give you something to help .
Oh dear, Joan must have had the day off yesterday because the LOTM was looking for ....wait for it...Burgers . I've told him that they're bad for his BFL, full of rubbish. He said he's not a and likes being naughty sometimes and doing things he knows are bad for him , so that's me told off for the day. Enjoy your day everyone.

Re: White Jeans 22

OMG!!!!! Annie - the thought of a 'Naughty Boss'
has completely messed up my train of thought today!!!...LOL!
But here goes anyway!!!
Good morning ladies...
It's a beautiful morning in my part of MM today as well...
I hope this weather continues into next month too Annie, with all the travelling MM Staff will have to do, to follow and support the Boss on
'The Love Tour'...
Mr Magic would certainly come in handy in February...that's for sure...LOL!
A/Liz...hope you are feeling more comfortable today.
Sue...have a lovely day out with your NLF's
I'm orf! into the wardrobes now, where I'm thinking of choosing a pair of CK's with a rather
'teasing pattern' on them!...
I'm only trying to match the LOTM's cheeky mood today that's all!!! LOL!
Enjoy Wednesday everyone...

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies. Back is still sore. No, Annie, I haven't seen the doc, after last time, when he gave me some stuff that made me pass out on the bathroom floor and shrugged his shoulders & told me to do what I liked, when I asked him if I should rest or try to carry on. Had a trip to the dentist this morning, and have to have a full mouth X ray at the hospital to see what is causing the frequent bouts of toothache, as I can't live on antibiotics and painkillers. What with the insurance company asking for my death certificate yesterday, I am officially a wreck! (the poor man was so embarrassed, good job I saw the funny side!)

Re: White Jeans 22

WARDROBE MALFUNCTION ALERT LOTM has been wandering around with his flies undone!!!! C/Liz, better check on all those zips pronto!

Re: White Jeans 22

I can't tell you how glad I am that Kim hasn't finished that rather special pair of pants yet!! I don't think he can be allowed to wear them anywhere other than bed! Not if he is this absentminded - the mind boggles!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Heavens, Asher, can you just imagine the scene!!! I bet Kim's dropped a few stitches at the thought, too!

Re: White Jeans 22

I think that would have caused a major traffic incident, ALiz, don't you? .

I think you might have to go 'tone-in-tone' for a while with the CK's, Curly. Less obtrusive, I mean obvious!

Re: White Jeans 22

A/Liz...A Wardrobe Malfunction!!!! nooooo!...Hope I still have a job this morning...

Asher...I think you're right! ...Less is MORE! so they say!... or sumfin! like that!

Good morning ladies...
It's turned quite cold in my part of MM this morning...so before the LOTM arises from his slumbers, I'm orf! to check out every in his wardrobes. I have a can of WD40 at the ready...better give them all a little squirt or two!!!...can't be too careful...
Those tight tru's with the bright shiny buttons could be a problem though!!!
Extremely unpredictable things, these winter draughts in 'Nether Regions'!!! and we cannot afford to have any more 'Wardrobe Malfunctions'!!! ....Nooooo! not in MM...
Kim...I was thinking of leaving the WD40 can out for you too, but couldn't quite work out where you would hide a in that particular pattern, or that one would be needed anyway!!!....
Have a lovely day ladies

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
Dear oh dear.....Bit HOT in MM this morning isn't it
I've had a very firm word with LOTM this morning as his er, slip up (or down) yesterday could have caused a lot of ladies to suffer heart problems, plus, as you say Asher, traffic chaos !!
He only giggled and said " Sorry, my mind was on other things"....... So are our minds now Sir.......
Kim, you must be in a right state knitting wise What if he'd been wearing your special pants Never mind Nellie the Elephant never forgettting, I don't think we'd ever forget that sight..........
Curly, do you think you should get your needle and thread out and sew him up?
I have done the H&BFL checks and double checked certain bits that could have caught a chill yesterday. What?? I mean his hands of course
He is Fit Fit Fit ladies
Yesterday,while sorting out a date to meet next month with the NLF's I had a senior moment and said "No, can't do that day, I'm on tour"
Cue..... raised eyebrows, shocked looks and the Spanish Inquisition. "What tour, where are you touring, who are you touring with, why are you touring? What about snow, what about us, what about P (OH), how will he cope (sniff) How long are you touring for" etc, etc. When I went totally mad and added "It's The Lurrve Tour and it's all round the country and it's gonna be brilliant and I can't wait" their faces were a picture. I thought for a split second they were going to call Social Services

A/Liz, hope you are more comfortable today. Sorry to hear about your tooth problem. You've got to get yourself fit and well before Feb. According to the NLF's we are mad with a capitol M to attempt such a hike in one of the coldest months of the year Little do they know we are battle hardened, memories of LA in tropical Leeds and Richmond etc........
Have a lovely Thursday everyone '
Morning Curly I never thought I'd read "Little Squirt and LOTM " in the same post As his Chief Nurse I would, on medical grounds of course, beg to differ As for the zip in the knitting, my eyes are watering

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue - good morning... thought about having the darning needle at the ready,
but grabbed the WD40 instead...LOL!
OK!...I own up!!! LOL! it was a 'typo' error!!! ...meant to say 'BIG!!!!! squirt!

A/Liz...sending some hugs... do hope you get everything sorted out in time for our February Adventures...

Re: White Jeans 22

Careful what you grab this morning Curly. His mind could be elsewhere still
Doesn't WD40 make things easier to move about
Oh sorry, you meant the zip

Re: White Jeans 22

Prevents rust too, so I've been told!!!!
Couldn't find any signs of it so far though!!!!
You realise that first sentence in your last post, could cause me a few problems for the rest of the day!!!! LOL!

Re: White Jeans 22


A/Liz, I'm sorry to hear you still have tooth and back problems, hope you will soon be feeling better

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Joem ...
I'm still on LOTM's wardrobe floor this morning...
Not sure if it's 'Zip itis' or the 'Shiny Button Syndrome' or a sudden case of the 'PHWOARS' after seeing the two new Banners...LOL!
Enjoy your day

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
Really Ladies!! What are you like! . Pleased you've taken precautions C/Liz to make sure the LOTM doesn't have any 'wardrobe malfunctions' today .
A/Liz - Sorry to hear you're not any better, doesn't sound a very helpful doctor to me and now your tooth problems too. 2012 not too good for you so far is it, but keep thinking of February
Sue - Sounds like a 'jaw dropping' moment with your NLF . They obviously don't know about our tenacity.
Off to see Spamlot down here today, loved it last time round. Pity Neill's not started in it yet, see he's down here, but starts on stage next week.

Re: White Jeans 22

I'll join you, nice big wardrobes these

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Annie, didn't see you there

I love Spamalot, have fun

Re: White Jeans 22

Annie...Good morning ...
Tee! hee!...I always take precautions where the LOTM's wardrobes are concerned!... nearly slipped up yesterday though!!!! ...
Hope you have a lovely time later...

Come and join me Joem...bit surprising there's any room left for either of us really,
with the increasing size of the Boss's ....Clothing Collection!
Almost like a 'Department Store' in here!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies!

And all from an 'innocent' tweet .....

Any spare WD40 for my back? Or have you used it all on LOTM and his ? Just a thought, and you may have mentioned this already (I'm a bit woolly headed today), but won't WD40 make it go up and down more easily? Surely, once it's up, it needs to stay up?

Re: White Jeans 22

There.....See.....I knew it would move about. It really must stay UP Curly. Are you on the case ??? (Cor blimey, I nearly said "job" then ) If not we must keep him at the Manor til you get back. There could be another incident and how many women will find themselves in a state of collapse ??
Enjoy Spamalot Annie. Shame about Niall, if you happen to bump into him in your part of MM remember he is very huggable Give him our love please
Are you ready for your Deep Heat treatment A/Liz, he's on his way.........

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon ladies, I am so glad I decided to pop into MM this afternoon the MM staff have cheered me up
no end. Please ladies don't ever change stay as
mad as ever. That is meant as a compliment by the way.

Another Liz hope you soon feel better.

Love maggiemay

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon A/Liz...
Sue is right, you sound as if you need the LOTM in attendance with some DH...

Girls - 'Stay up'!!!!...are you kidding!!!!!!!
I am working on it though!...the zip that is!!!!
We can't just fuse it into a stationary position!!!!! ...the zip that is!!!
How will the LOTM do what comes naturally??? especially in this cold weather, where there is always the need for an extra visit or two!!!
The WD40 is supposed to help it, (the zip that is!)move freely in each direction...


There's a bunch of women! (as I post) running around the streets of London, looking for the Boss hoping he will be a bit absented minded again today!!!...can't let them down can we????

Hi Maggiemay nice to see you in MM today... glad we have cheered you up...
Quoting our Sue 'We are all as mad as a box of frogs'... but it would be a sad place if we couldn't have a larf! now and again wouldn't it?...Enjoy the rest of your day in MM

Re: White Jeans 22

Hello maggiemay. Lovely to see you in MM. So glad we have cheered you up. I don't think we will ever change. We're all as mad as a box of frogs and cause chaos and hysterics whenever we set foot in R/L

I don't think LOTM has a clue what fun and laughter he has brought to all our lives since he won ADWD.
I believe it's three years today that we moved into Mead Manor. We attended interviews, conducted expertly by Curly Liz, at the Good Ship Adelphi on the Boss's last night in Joseph. It's hard to believe we hardly knew one another then. I think it's safe to say, three years on, that we would brave fire and flood to protect and help one another. Well, I would anyway

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue 'interviews'!!!!LOL! Love it!!! I do recall yours though!!! - something to do with, your take on the use of a spoon, in the medical sense of course!!!
Great minds think alike...I just love your quote 'As mad as a box of frogs' - felt the need to use it myself earlier LOLOLOL!...
Must away now...OH is waiting to go out.
Don't think I'll get him to go tramping around London today though...on the look out for a certain absent-minded gorgeous guy! LOL!
See you later

Re: White Jeans 22

Oooops, sorry Curly, didn't see you there. I've had a thought. How about you dig out that fabulous kilt you dressed LOTM in while we were staying with our good mate Liz in Scotland. Lovely Liz who plied us with wee drams. If the Boss has another lapse of concentration he wouldn't need to worry, just twirl and go . No buttons, no zips, he'd just have to adjust his dirk. Solution ??
Or does his dirk go in his sock ??

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue...good solution!!!!
Now where did I put my 'Pace-stick' (Army/Navy and Airforce Term)
with the mirror on the end!!!!! Now thereby hangs another tale!!!
'Must goooooo!

Re: White Jeans 22

Blimey, Sue, had to re-read your last post (several times)!!!

I seem to have the lyrics to 'The Grand Old Duke of York' on the brain today:

"And when they were up they were up
And when they were down they were down
And when they were only half way up
They were neither up nor down"

Can't think why!

Re: White Jeans 22

A/Liz ... nice one!!! LOL!... but in the case of the kilt...maybe this one!!!...

'Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low,
Through the streets in my kilt I'll go
All the lasses shout... HELLO!!!
Boss ...where are your troosers!!!!

He went down to London town
Had some fun on the underground
The ladies turned their heads around
Saying Boss ...where are your troosers!

So sorry, Liz from Scotland!!! that was my version!!!... Bit of poetic licence there!...

Now what can I find in the LOTM's wine cellar tonight???

Re: White Jeans 22

Curly,the Bakerloo line will never feel the same again
I'm NOT going to mention that tube stop you're dying to mention

Re: White Jeans 22

Which one - Turnham Green?

Re: White Jeans 22

No, but I see your point

Re: White Jeans 22

I can think of one or two others .......

Re: White Jeans 22

Me too

Re: White Jeans 22

You know I've always fancied seeing the LOTM in the kilt. I knew it was a good idea. Slainte math!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning ladies
Crisp, cold and bright in my part of MM today.
Hi Liz, great to see you in the Manor Yes, the thought of him in a kilt is very shakifying isn't it. Those legs in knee high socks, phew, and the ROTY covered in tartan Not sure what the words meant at the end of your post but gathered it was on the lines of "bottoms up" as accompanied by wine glasses
I have given him a very intensive H&BFL check and he is FIT FIT FIT ladies. None the worse for wear after his extremities braved the February chill
OH and I are off on a mini Staff Outing with another Staff member and her OH today. We are all seeing Ramin in Les Mis tonight and indulging in Duck Pasta
Hope you are feeling better today A/Liz Keep ticking off the days til Bournemouth.
How was Spamalot Annie? Hope you had a good time. Any sign of the lovely Niall?
Have a great Friday everyone.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning Sue, morning everyone...
It's another beautiful day, albeit cold Brrr!! in my part of MM today too...
Liz from Scotland...lovely to see you in MM yesterday. So glad my dreadful attempt at one of your famous Scottish songs, didn't put you orf! visiting us...
A/Liz...hope you are more comfortable today.
Annie...how was your visit to see 'Spamalot' yesterday? I still haven't managed to see this show performed in a theatre yet...maybe one day...LOL!
Sue...Glad to know the LOTM is FIT! FIT! FIT! this morning...you must have woken him very early, to do such a thorough check...LOL!...
I hope he didn't throw his 'Grumpy But Gorgeous' sleeping mask at you!!! LOL!
Mmmmm!...That 'Duck Pasta' does sound good!!!
Well this won't do, I must away to find a pair of sheepskin lined CK's for the Boss today!
Well, we know how absent-minded he is, (Awww! Bless!) and we can't have him at the mercy of those cold winter blasts again today, can we?
Joyce...I did manage to find a pair with a 'Spring Scene' on them...you know the sort of thing!!!

'Lambs skipping beneath the trees,
and some early daffodils...
Fanned by a gentle breeze'!!!

I do hope they meet with your approval!!! LOL!
Enjoy Friday ladies

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. I've been a bit distracted by LOTM's holiday snaps which have just surfaced ... phwoar!!! Chest, back, legs, tootsies ...

Not that I wish to distract those of you going to see the lovely Ramin tonight, of course! (Ramin has some serious tattoos, so I prefer him with his clothes ON!) Hope your OH's know what they're letting themselves in for!

Sheepskin lined CKs, C/Liz! I hope the sheep in MM's fields aren't panicking this morning?

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
Nice bright crisp day in my part of MM .
Hope the sheepskin lining on those CKs is not too thick C/Liz, might cause the LOTM a few problems .
Oooh, nice holiday photos A/Liz, thanks .
How do you know Ramin has tatooes A/Liz? and where exactly are they .
Hope those Ladies seeing Ramin tonight (with OHs) have a great time, sure you will.
Looked for Neill yesterday in the audience, but didn't see him, probably backstage rehearsing (or doing his tax return , according to his tweet). Shame he doesn't start till next week, because the cast is quite small so the ensemble have to play lots of parts and are constantly on stage. Sure he'll be great and would liked to have seen his cheeky smile. Don't think he's playing the guy that has to strip off...but that's another story

Re: White Jeans 22

Annie, Ramin posts a pic on Twitter every time he has a new one. His arms are covered - yuk!

Shame you didn't get to see Niall (I read about his tax return too ). I've never seen Spamalot, but it sounds like a good show for him to be going into.

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