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Re: White Jeans 22

Happy New Year to all of LOTMs staff, visitors and friends. He has already partied into the New Year two hours ago and is still going strong. WOW - he can throw some shapes!!! (As we well know) He will need a holiday after all this exertion tonight, bless him. He deserves to let his hair down; he works so hard. As do all his staff as well, of course.

I hope to see you all soon! Much love!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Shhh! Looks like I was right (this sand gets everywhere!)

You're right, Asher, LOTM is certainly partying like it's going out of fashion! Phew - what a mover! Lie ins all round tomorrow, I think ...

Re: White Jeans 22

Its 3am

Re: White Jeans 22

Happy New Year Ladies and to all our friends and visitors in MM. Keep calling in, we like having visitors .
So we are in the then ,(not quite sure where, but never mind, it's lovely wherever we are ). Not much gets passed the LOTM's devoted fans, we're like Sherlock Holmes where he's concerned . I don't remember flying with Mr Magic Airlines, but it was only a blink of an
I'll try and be very quiet in case any of you have a . Better keep off the Lychee Martinis today girls .
Think I'll go find a nice sun lounger in the shade now (I wish). Enjoy your day

Re: White Jeans 22

Not surprisingly, LOTM is keeping a very low profile today! I think Nurse Sue might be required later! At some point he must have channeled his inner Blues Brother last night although 'the mean sneer' might need a bit more work - it does not come naturally to his gorgeous face, does it.

Re: White Jeans 22

Happy New Year ladies
Hi Annie gosh, you're up early
Thanks for popping in Jazzy and Asher. great to see you. MM is always glad to see visitors
Hope everyone is well and had a good time yesterday.
Glad your toothache and back are better A/Liz Hope you and your OH are also feeling better Curly My Barbican Bronchitis is still causing me hassle at all the wrong moments. People keep pointedly moving away from me on public transport....The OH is working all over New Year and says BB is everywhere. People have been really poorly with it.
Another Staff member and I are recovering from cracked ribs after laughing so much at the Priscilla Muck Up Mat yesterday afternoon. Good job we took the BFK's. To say thery were needed is an understatement !!! Oliver Thorton was , to put it mildly, on top form, phew. The lady sitting next to us nearly fainted off at one particular bit and mumbled something about " he shouldn't be allowed out", or something similar As for the scene with the pingpong balls...let's just say they made the most of the last but one performance of that particular part of the show . The two men sitting to my right had never seen the show before and were not amused. I had to be so careful I fell about laughing to my left and not all over them. Their faces were a picture! Talk about prim and proper! The rest of the audience were helpless with hysteria. It was fantastic and just the best way to put aside the fact that the Aussie son has flown back home to Sydney now and we won't see him for a whole year !! Never gone that long without seeing him.
He sends his love to all the Staff Members he met at the PDO
Well, a bit of holiday sunshine is just what we need now isn't it Good job we are all still size 8/10 after eating so little over Christmas
We can loll about on the beach and in the infinity pool, quite confident we look fit and toned.......
Cocktails anyone?? Lychee or the Blue variety??

Re: White Jeans 22

Hi ladies - have we all finished festivating? At least we can lie in the sun and recover.

Not sure LOTM has - you're right about Blues Brothers, Asher, and we have photographic evidence from his pals in Dubai (which is where Mr Magic has taken us, even if we didn't notice the journey!)

Blues Bros

Sue, funny you should mention the ping pong balls. I was trying to explain the scene last night to friends who a) don't go to shows and b) have never heard of Priscilla! I somehow don't think I explained it very well ..... Do you think your neighbours at the theatre were foreign and didn't understand what was happening?

Re: White Jeans 22

Thanks for the link A/Liz. Blimey, the Boss looks like he's enjoying himself. Oh for the return of the Caption thread. Better not print what he might be saying on that pic
No, the men next to me were Brits. I chatted to them when they first sat beside me. They asked what the show was like, so I raved on about it of course. I didn't think to say it was a bit um, naughty In the first few minutes the lads that play the bar customers came on in um,er, very little, as it was the muck up. Not the usual skimpy black leather outfits. They were still in black leather but slightly less of it, if you see what I mean. It almost brought the house down!! I immediatly felt the bloke next to me shoot me a full on look of " You should be chairing a meeting of the WI Madam, not shrieking like a banshee at semi-naked men at your age" Each time I shrieked I coughed as well, so I'm sure he would have moved seats away from my impression of a harlot if it hadn't been a full house. Perhaps we should have invited him on Tour with us?? In the interval joem asked him if he was enjoying it. He shot her a look as well, as if to say, "Why aren't you at the Towns Womens Guild " and said "It's um, very different from other shows" The other guy couldn't seem to find any words. One of the wives was doing a very gentle bit of clapping, until she got a look. I think given half a chance she would have let her hair down but didn't dare

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. Very quiet in MM / on the beach this morning! Anyone for a camel ride? I wonder if we should start packing yet ... although Mr Magic seems to know what we need, even before we do!

Did you see LOTM's previous holiday pics have surfaced? How cute is he (and Betsy of course!)!

Re: White Jeans 22

Good Evening Ladies, lovely to be sitting on the beach at this time of day I've finally returned from my Christmas Grand Tour of the family only to be whisked off to foreign climes, so to speak.

A very Happy and Healthy New Year to you all

Have to say I agree with everything Sue has said about Priscilla what a fabulous show, fabulous audience....think Joseph muck-up matinee and LOTM's final performance and you will get the idea, loved every minute of it. How those people could sit there with such miserable faces I'll never know. Luckily next to me they were as mad as us, clapping and cheering their heads off. I did think the lady was going to take a dive towards the stage when we realised the dancer in the kilt had forgotten to put on his erm...nether garments
What a brilliant way to spend New Years' Eve Sue

I do hope MM Staff are recovering well from all the ailments that have been doing the rounds, that includes LOTM bless him

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies...
A Happy Healthy and Peaceful New Year to everyone too...

I do hope we're still on holiday with the LOTM ...running along the beach and having that lovely silky white sand running between our toes, because in R/L...
its 'chuckin it down!' and 'blowing a hooligan'...YUK!...
so let's just enjoy the MM day instead, along with our gorgeous Boss...
I must still do my duty though, and sort out a short sleeved shirt, some shorts
and 'budgie' 'eagle smugglers' and also polish his leather 'flip flops'!!!...well nothing is too much for our gorgeous Boss...
Enjoy Tuesday everyone ...See you all on the beach! (We wish)

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning C/Liz and Ladies (not that you're not a Lady C/Liz )
Yes, so pleased we're still in the warm sunshine (I wish too), grotty weather in my part of MM I believe
. Better make the most of it, don't know how long we're here, but Mr Magic will tell us and do all the necessary when it's time to go back to MM .
Corr, you can see your face in those leather flip flops C/Liz, you have been busy.
Off now to find a sunbed and palm tree

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies - well, not a good morning at all in my corner of MM. What a good job we're still in sunnier climes! I think I'll give LOTM a holiday de-crumple while I still have the chance ...

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon ladies
Sorry I'm so late clocking in. I have been doing a rather extended H&BFL check on LOTM. After his extra glass of Cherry Brandy on New Years Eve he has had a rather nasty headache
I'm glad to report he is now FIT FIT FIT

We could get used to lazing about in the sun couldn't we Lets hope Mr Magic doesn't fly us back to Kent for a few more days. I gather it's blowing a hooley and chucking it down at MM.
Talking of MM girls, in a few days it will be three years that we have been caring 24/7 for the Lord Of The Manor !!! We will soon be approaching our fourth year of loyal service !!!
Can't believe it...doesn't time fly when we are having fun

Re: White Jeans 22

Hi Sue, sorry I missed you earlier. I was flexing my flexible friend at the shopping mall, as it looks like there's going to be a BIG party tonight, I'm guessing before certain holidaymakers come home. Glad rags on, girls!

Re: White Jeans 22

Just seen your post, Sue! An anniversary - woohooo! I wonder if any of the old staff records still exist; I loved reading about life on the HMS Adelphi! Especially the holiday outings; what magical routes you guys used to follow - happy memories. You should have published them - Travels With The Admiral - fully illustrated, obviously!

Not that life at the manor isn't lovely as well with the gardens, and the ever growing menagerie. At some point we need to add a pony for Betsy-boo; and I think LOTM is secretly dreaming of a Labradoodle puppy to keep Shep company ( or keep him on his toes, more likely). Let's just hope he doesn't return from Dubai with a camel! Although I wouldn't mind some Alpaca; they produce the most gorgeous soft wool.

Re: White Jeans 22

Oh dear, Sue! Headache tablets at the ready! I'm not sure,but I can't imagine that the Buddha Bar serves your usual non-alcoholic tipple, Winegum-flavored water! It looks more like a Ruby (and other rainbow coloured) Cocktails kind of place!!! Make sure that everybody keeps their poshly clad feet on the ground! And their wits about them!! You are not used to alcoholic beverages; bear that in mind.

Re: White Jeans 22

Ooh, Asher, I see what you mean about the Buddha Bar! Good point about keeping our Jimmy Choo's on the ground - we can't be knocking back Amazing Technicoloured Cocktails, especially as it's our last day/night here! As you are fully aware, though, LOTM's staff never knowingly over-indulge.

Re: White Jeans 22

Except if Blue Cocktails are on tap

Re: White Jeans 22

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue...ha! ha!...hic!...ooops!... sorry pardon...
Think I could become addicted to those blue cocktails too...
Ann...I'm always a lady in MM... ...questionable in R/L though!... but I do have some
extra 'brownie points' now, for polishing the Boss's leather 'flip-flops' to perfection, and yes!...I could even see my face in them!...unfortunately they were not on his feet at the time!!! but...I'm not giving up in that 'department' yet!!!
I have a cunning plan!!! LOL!

Good morning ladies...good party last night too, although I don't remember much after the third or fourth blue cocktail!... hic!...LOL!
How are your heads this morning ladies?
Sue...I think the Boss and most of MM Staff will be in need of some headache pills very shortly...
I am going to hide away in the LOTM's wardrobes this morning...until recovery kicks in...
Have a good day everyone...

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning ladies. Wow - what a party that was - I think. I don't seem able to recall much of it. Something about a Buddha with lots of chins ..... or was it drinks? Ah, that's more like it, I seem to remember some drinks .......

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning girls.
Why oh why do we fall into the BC trap again and again you would think we would have learnt by now to just suck a wine gum when we are on the Razz
I have tried very hard to do the H&BFL checks this morning but I somehow managed to use one of my instruments upside down, which, as you can imagine, caused a slight struggle with the Boss. Luckily he hasn't sacked me on the spot as he seems to be feeling a bit the worse for wear also as he had most certainly indulged in one to many glasses of Advocat last night. He was moaning quietly when I entered the hotel bedchamber plus pulling that "Elvis snarl" but after completing my examination he is now moaning very, very loudly. Sorry about that ladies. I think he is sort of FIT FIT FIT but my contacts are in back to front this morning, owing to my slightly fragile state, so I can't be sure.
Are we on the plane, or is that roaring sound just me??
Let's make a pledge to just stick to slim line tonics in future with a splash of Ribena. Or even a Love Heart sweetie, we could imagine the fizz on our tongue was Champers.

Re: White Jeans 22

The LOTM 'moaning very very loudly'!!!...
Sue...what on earth did you do to him during your examination yesterday???...
A/Liz... your decrumpling job this morning, could be very interesting!!!...

Good morning ladies...it's still blowing a gale in my part of R/L MM this morning...and we are getting a few sudden sharp showers too...but the is also trying really hard to burst through
those s...so let's hope it wins...
Now, I'm not sure whether we are still away on our hols, or on our way back home ...quite confusifying at the moment, but the Boss still needs some clothes to wear today,
so it's back to work...
I just hope I can find something clean, otherwise it's instead of the beach for me today...
Have a good day everyone...

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Curly. Morning everyone.
I've also no idea where we are Curly. Shall we just stay on holiday in the sunshine The weather at MM is still grotty.
LOTM has finally stopped moaning. I feel terrible about the H&BFL checks yesterday. I'm never, ever gonna touch another BC. The trouble was, because of my need for ultra dark sunglasses, I fumbled about with him and ended up using the LMI upside down
It certainly brought tears to his beautiful eyes. I'm mortified ladies and hang my head in shame
I was very careful this morning though and he manned up in his usual strong, um, manly way, and all instruments were the right way up and I can report he is FIT FIT FIT
Have a lovely Thursday everybody

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon ladies I think we must still be on holiday...
I've just seen the LOTM having a brisk walk along the waterfront...
Ooooo!...what a fine figure of a man he is...

I was going to arrange a ...but after watching him stride out along the beach!!! I think it will have to be iced coffee's all round...to cool off!...that's us... not him!
Sue...ouch!...not the LMI upside down!!! no wonder the Boss 'manned up' a bit today no need for you to worry though...because from my present position on the beach! (I think in medical terms you call it...'the three quarter prone position'!!! )...he's certainly walking Ok too!!!
Anyone for a nice cool swim?

Re: White Jeans 22

Ooooh yes Curly, a nice cool swim sounds just the ticket. I've just sykped the Manor and a nice cool swim in the pool there would be very bracing indeed
It's rather nice being in limbo in the sunshine isn't it. No idea where we are and not bothered either. We can indulge in our fantasy world to our hearts content
Wow, look, here comes the Boss, ambling along the beach wearing his speedo's and sunshades. I think he's heading our way Curly.......

Re: White Jeans 22

Arghhhhhh!... Sue... you made me jump ... thought I was the only one around...
That 'three quarter prone' was not quite the right position to be in after all!...
I'm now face down...with sand all over my !!! ...Quick! where are the wipes?... I don't want to miss out on those 'speedos' and 'shades'!!!
and just look at his fry 'fly away' CURLS! (double)
Do you think he should have some more sun protection lotion applied to his gorgeous BFL???
Mind you, even at his ambling pace, we'd have a hard job to catch him up... let alone pin him down!!! to apply the lotion!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Phew Curly, that took ages didn't it. Anyone would think we'd been peeling spuds to feed our OH's tonight
Instead of boring old R/L we've been applying Factor 50 to the BFL haven't we
OH will have to go without his Cottage Pie tonight

Oh heck, LOTM is on the move towards the beach cocktail bar. WE MUST BE STRONG......
No cocktails for us, even if the Boss shares his straw around

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue... not peeling spuds!!! LOL!... it's ironing for me!!!
I keep doing a bit! (ironing!) then popping back to see if we have left any parts of that gorgeous BFL without sun protection cream!!!! ...but I think we've covered all the vulnerable areas! now
Oooooo!...nooooo!...not the Beach Cocktail Bar again tonight!...our Boss has amazing stamina!!!
What did you do with those Baileys Wine Gums Sue?...We won't need his straw! then!...
Oooo!!!...I don't know though!!! ...but at least BWG's won't give us all headaches tomorrow!!!... mind you that ... ... just might!!!
Enjoy your cottage pie LOL!

Re: White Jeans 22

Oooooh Curly, did we miss bits?? We had better return to the beach and pin him down again. Just let me check on my Rice Pud in R/L.....
I think we dissolved all the Bailey's wine gums in tonic the other night. We'd reached the point of no return and just grabbed anything with the slightest hint of alcohol.

Do you think people reading this know that in Real Life we abstain from anything that causes us to lose control. Surely they must know we don't drink after shows or concerts, or screech, or scream or whoop at venues, or collapse in hysterics at regular intervals during Staff Outings, or have BFK moments in strange hotel corridors or lifts while on tour but just lead blameless lives

Re: White Jeans 22

Yes, Sue. We know. You lead totally blameless lives. Always!

Butter wouldn't melt.

Re: White Jeans 22

of course not Sue...how could anyone even dream up anything so bizarre!!!!
We are the 'Pillar of Society'!!! whatever that is!!! LOL!

MM Staff would never 'Whoop de Doo!' anywhere!
Well not knowingly!...

nor let effervescent drink water ever touch our lips...
Well not knowingly!

nor those other things in corridors or lifts!
Well not knowingly!...

nor knock on the doors, then try to get into the the wrong hotels!!
Well not knowingly!!! LOL!

No MM Staff are always 'On Duty' (as they say) ready to come
to the LOTM's assistance both day and night!!!!
AND...no we didn't miss any bits today!!!!! but definitely food for thought on our next Staff Outing to Bournemouth!...mind you, knowing the time of year, we will not be using lotion, more making sure he doesn't get icicles anywhere!!!! LOL!
Hi Asher lovely to see you in MM tonight
Off to eat now

Re: White Jeans 22

I must make clear that the Hotel we tried to er, break into in Buxton looked a mirror image of the one we were really staying in further up the road I know it had a red front door instead of a black one and a completely different name but we were, how shall I put it, "overcome with emotion" after LOTM's performance at the Buxton Opera House and we just wanted to quietly sit down and sip mugs of Hot Choccie and have early nights
The fact that we didn't disgrace ourselves coming back down the wrong drive was down to double pairs of BFK's each, will power and the results of the intensive pelvic floor exercises we do
Great to see you Asher Hope you can join us for a mug of Horlicks after Bournemouth
How's Kim getting on with the knitting? The Boss will be glad of that garment in chilly February.....

Re: White Jeans 22

I'm afraid you will have to try and cope without our restraining influence at Bournemouth (one can only hope and pray for the local populous, sigh ).

I will have words with Kim on Saturday! She'll be trapped on a train with me for 5 hours! I'll show her the pattern again to make sure that she's on the right track. Leave it with me!

Re: White Jeans 22

Thank you Asher. Sorry you can't join us in Bournemouth. It will be a very quiet party afterwards in that case. Perhaps Ruthie and gang will join us for some cocoa?
I am concerned about the icicles that Curly mentioned above Could you please ask Kim if she could allow for that in her size calculations? Just to be on the safe side

Re: White Jeans 22

There is no room for icicles in that garment! I can tell you that now! They'll have to come 'orf' beforehand (that sounds painful though). But - if Curly wraps him up warm at all times, then icicles won't stand a chance; I have faith in her skills!

Re: White Jeans 22

Oh yes Asher. Curly's got very warm hands too

Re: White Jeans 22

Warm hands, hey? That's a relief.

Re: White Jeans 22

Sue's right Asher...very warm indeedy!!! LOL!
There will be no chance of icicles forming in crowded places on my watch!!!!... ...
Good night ladies...sleep well...

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Ladies
Much better day weather wise in my part of MM today.
Are we still on holiday? Perhaps one more day of lolling in the sunshine?
I have just done the H&BFL checks and he is FIT FIT FIT.
Gosh, he looks so fabulous, sunkissed, relaxed and rested.
Busy day in R/L for me today. Enjoy Friday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Good morning Sue, good morning everyone...
It's a sunny morning in my part of MM so far too...
That vision you have just painted of the LOTM sunkissed, relaxed and rested should set us up for the rest of the day Sue...mmmm!
A/Liz...how are you going to be able to do your job today, with him looking like that?
But, enough of this drooling! ...I must get on with my job now, and sort out some clothes for our gorgeous Boss
I think to be on the safe side, I will leave out some beach items, (well one item anyway!) and also some travelling clothes just in case...
Kim... I hope the knitting is going well, our Boss will be needing something extra! to keep him warm, when he arrives back in this country!!!
Off into R/L now, have a good day everyone.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies. Are we still in Timbuktoo? Personally, I think I must be standing on my head - a lot going through it at the moment.

I would offer and , but at Christmas I indulged so much I think it should be fizzy water and a slice of lemon (not that it affected my size 8-10 of course ).

The sun is setting over the lagoon at the moment, very picturesque - and here comes LOTM, sunbathing finished for the day .....

Re: White Jeans 22

Yoohoo ladies, Sue - we shall certainly look forward to joining you for ... um... cocoa in Bournemouth

Re: White Jeans 22

Hi everybody, I am nipping in to the Manor via the catflap to leave you all some body butter products so you can keep that holiday glow!

Nipping out again now......

Re: White Jeans 22

Awwww!...Tanith ...there's no need to come through the catflap, the LOTM would welcome you through the main door any day.
Thank you for the body butter!...I take it you had the Boss in mind at the time of choosing your gift???? I'm sure he will be delighted - not to mention his Staff!!!!...
Hi Ruthie...we look forward to your company in Bournemouth. Not far off now... Woo! Hoo!
I feel another 'whoop de do' coming on!!!...Oh! sorry!...MM Staff ladies just don't do that sort of thing??? ...perhaps it will be better to settle for the odd cocoa!!!! LOL!

Good morning ladies...
It started off bright and sunny first thing, but has now clouded over in my part of of MM this morning...no rain yet though.
As much as I know, we would all like to stay put on the beach! ...I think it's time
for Mr Magic to bring us back home, so we can make the Manor ready for our gorgeous Boss's return...
Mind you, if any of you want to stay another day, Mr Magic will return for you in a nano-second.
Now I must away to make sure the Boss has something to wear today...
Enjoy Saturday everyone

Re: White Jeans 22

Morning Curly/Liz and everyone.
Thank you so much for popping in to MM and for leaving us the Body Butter Tanith . We will have great fun applying that. Perhaps we had better try some on LOTM first? Just to judge how much to use? I see it smells of apricots, mmmmmmm.....Just the job on his sunkissed BFK
Hi Ruthie Great to see you in the Manor. So glad you can all join us in Bournemouth for the Aftershow Bop. As you know,we can easily down a couple of mugs of cocoa in our excitement after the concert but I must warn you, we have developed a liking for a slug of Baileys in it Don't worry, tell the girls we can only manage one tot of Baileys during the evening as we get very um, "out there" if we have more. Of course I mean "out there" in a very classy way
I have done a very intensive H&BFL check this morning and the Boss is FIT FIT FIT ladies
I asked him what his plans are for returning home to the Manor but he just smiled a very enigmatic smile and said he was going to ask Mr Magic and go with the flow. He's so relaxed and chilled out girls with all the resting, sun and white beaches he is almost wearing a kaftan and jingling bells
Have a great Saturday everyone.

Re: White Jeans 22

Good afternoon ladies. Just one question - is this Body Butter edible?

Looks like today's the day, folks - LOTM is returning to MM this evening! Mr Magic will of course transport us back in the blink of an eye, so that everything can be ready for him.

on ice for starters .....

Re: White Jeans 22

A/Liz...nice thought!!! but I think the answer to your question on 'body butter'...is probably...'No'...LOL!... unless you have a 'pash' for butter or apricots!!!

Good Morning ladies...
Looks like I'm first up and about in MM this morning...not even a 'peep' from the LOTM as yet...
I think I'll try and find some bright clothes for the Boss to wear today...It may just help him come to terms with that 'bump back on earth' we all experience, after a wonderful holiday...
Enjoy Sunday everyone - whatever you may be doing!!!

Re: White Jeans 22

Afternoon Ladies
There I was happily lying on a sunlounger by the pool in the , then whosh Mr Magic whisked me back to the pool in MM, sunlounger too, , brrr it's here in my bikini , better get indoors before I get hyperthermia .
Haven't heard the LOTM about yet, he's probably still recovering from his hols. Don't think we'll be going to the P&F today, let's leave it till next week.

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