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Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Ladies I think we all have the same thoughts about Lee but we don't like to say in case people think we are daft I know my friends think I am stupid at my age but it doesn't stop me from having these thoughts of a beautiful man

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Hehe, i'm glad my comments were entertaining Well who wouldn't think the same, except for Joan

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Ladies Ladies I tried to fine an blushing emoticon but had no luck

On to another topic - has it been announced that Lee's next concert tour is February? I hope his new album is released before Christmas though - if not his management is missing an opportunity again . . .

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Lynn yes Lee has a tour starting February,but he has tweeted that he has odd shows before that he is in Bath November 5th,I don't know when his album comes out but I am sure somone on here will know

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Please can anyone tell me is there anything wrong with Twitter I can't get in thank you

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

I see Lee has abandoned his beloved Chelsea for tonight and is supporting Man Utd in the European Champions Final (or whatever it's called!

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

For those who want to (or are able to) listen, Denise has her programme on Smooth Radio this afternoon, from 2.00 till 6.00.


You can listen live, or it's on Sky Channel 0128 if you want to record it.

Also, the Classical Brits are on ITV1 at 10.15 tonight - Les Mis, whoo hoo!

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Thanks Liz I did listen very nice music for me anyway,she said she was hoping to get home to bath Betsy then on the sofa with a takeaway and Lee and watch BGT

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Anyone watching the Classic Brits? Is everyone miming? Or was it just Katherine Jenkins?

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

I'm watching. I must admit, I did wonder ...

Loved Les Mis, though.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

I loved Les Mis, but I must admit, I thought Samantha Barks was miming.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Just spent a lovely few days in London with my little girl and it was lovely to see a pic of Lee on all the LB posters on the tube announcing when he starts. I have Amelie trained well as every time we saw one she pointed and said 'ooh mummy look its him! The man you go and see he looks nice. Nice hair'.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

I have been watching a programme here in oz over the last 2 weeks on foxtel uktv channel called "Last Choir Standing" it obviously runs over quite a few weeks, anyway there is a choir called "Bath Male Choir",they are very good, if anyone has seen this programme, is it the same one Lee is performing with in Bath? just curious, i am not sure how old the series is,as you know we get these programmes later than aired in the uk.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Amelie is a very discerning child!

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Just come back from holiday. Had a few days in North Wales. It is quite a while since I have been there so I had forgotten how beautiful and varied the scenery is. Kept passing Venue Cwmru as we were staying in Llandudno!! Can't think why I noticed it really
Have I missed anything over the week? I see his LB rehearsals have started. Just realised I have 3 chances to see Lee in a month. Whoo hoo!!!!!

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Hi Cassie glad you think the scenery is lovely I couldn't agree more as I live in Llandudno and I marvel every day at the beautiful view as I look out of my windows especially when the sun is shining

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Oh Acer, I didn't know you lived there. It is a beautiful view on the sea front. The car rally start was fun to watch over the last few days. Is that on every year? We loved going up the Great Orme too. You are lucky to live there I think.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Re-my post on about"Last Choir Standing"-
I have just read in the "Latest News" section write up about the Bath concert, and it says the choir leader is Grenville Jones, so it probably is the same choir as i was asking about in my post, as the choir leader was the same fella, in the series that was on TV.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Hi Cassie I do count myself lucky to live here it is like being on holiday all the time!!the rally isn't on every year which is a good thing for locals as they close the roads and there are no taxi's so if you want to go anywhere a good distance away you have to walk,I am glad you enjoyed it,have you ever been here for the autumn tints that is beautiful they have coach trips that take you all round the country side the colours are magnificent

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Watched the tennis from Paris and wnted Fed to win.When Nad won Fed was such a good loser.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Please can anyone who knows about twitter tell me why when I twitter DVO it says redirected then says tweets suspended, does that mean she is not tweeting for the time being? I am not on twitter by the way

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

I think you can only tweet someone if you're following them on twitter.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Hi acer,
I just logged out and went to her page in the same way you would, I am not sure the process you went through but I can't see anyway to actually Tweet anyone unless you log in with an account. Have you thought about opening one, or is it not for you?

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Thanks Woozie I am not clever enough to open an account,I don't think I explained myself right I wasn't actually tweeting DVO just putting her name in to read her tweets I am reading Lee's ok and don't usually have trouble with DVO thank you anyway

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Denise hasn't tweeted for a few days, not since June 3rd, but her twitter page is still there:


Re: Any THEME Will Do.........


Sue Joyce
Re-my post on about"Last Choir Standing"-
I have just read in the "Latest News" section write up about the Bath concert, and it says the choir leader is Grenville Jones, so it probably is the same choir as i was asking about in my post, as the choir leader was the same fella, in the series that was on TV.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Thanks PKP I knew she hadn't tweeted for a while but when I saw redirected I thought she had stopped tweeting

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Darn it! Was just about to view the Lee and Denise Report thread and it disappeared!

I wonder why?

I miss all the best bits ....

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Morning all has anyone read the article about Denise and Lee she says they bicker all the time and have been married 2 years and annoy each other all the time I am very sad to hear that thought they were very happy feel sorry for Lee

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Yes - it's basically an interview Denise did in relation to her new project (a relationship-themed show, in which she's a judge). It's been taken by a tabloid and printed as a 'marriage in trouble' article, when that's clearly not the case. Even the photo is out of context - it's one from shortly after Betsy was born!

If Lee and Denise were having problems, I doubt Denise would be mentioning it in an interview to drum up publicity for her new show. She certainly wouldn't be making comments about 'cracking the whip' and not bickering with Lee over his clothes because he has a great wardrobe - both of which suggest that it was a lighthearted interview.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Yes, Acer it was taken out of context by a tacky tabloid from a light-hearted comment on a tv programme.

If there was real trouble I highly doubt she'd discuss it on a tv programme.

Lee seems incredibly happy- not the mood of a man who is suffering.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Thank you ladies you have made me feel a bit better I hate to think Lee is unhappy

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Hi ladies! Just to let you know Lee is on This Morning next Wednesday. Got my new TV book yeesterday.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Thank you Sue - looking forward to it.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Morning all,for anyone who is interested I have just had my Prima Baby Mag,Denise had a clear out of Betsy's wardrobe and Betsy was watching her do it wearing her favourite ballerina outfit.she loves dressing up-the drama queen in her coming out already,maybe? they have been going to Camber Sands a lot this summer as it is close to where they live Betsy loves other babies and they usually end up making lots of friends,they have a UV beach shelter and Betsy has a nap in it on the beach also use it in the garden,nothing about Lee

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Thank you acer. Camber Sands is a wide expanse of sand (not surprising with its name ) with sand dunes and not too far from Lee and Denise's home in Kent. It's in East Sussex, we don't have many sandy beaches down here apart from that one, after that its pebbles and you have to go much much further west until the sand starts again. I can just imagine Lee making sand castles for Betsy and allowing her to cover him in sand when she gets a bit older. He'll love it, just as much as Betsy.
One adored little girl by both her parents.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Aww cute! Thanks Acer

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

My pleasure ladies

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

For any one interested my friend gave me an article from Reveal dont know how old it is you may have seen it,DVO is being asked questions,what is the funniest thing Betsy has done? well my husband finds this amusing but I don't think it is funny to wake me up she slaps my face! she is growing so quickly the slaps get harder and harder.does Lee have many annoying habits? he forgets everything I sak him to do! he's a brilliant husband I am very lucky but if he goes shopping he will always forget something I ask him to buy I say why don't you write it down but I guess it isn't manly to make a list my Mum says my Dad has done the same for 40 years so I guess Lee is a typical bloke. who takes longer getting ready ? Lee.he takes so long in the shower that I wonder what on earth he is doing in there.Hours! same photo of DVO and Betsy as in New Mag

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Thanks acer, lovely reports there. I obviously read the wrong mags. LOL about him being in the shower for ages, hmmmmmmmmmmmm say no more...

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Well he always smells nice enough said!!

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

It's the current Reveal acer. I saw on Twitter Denise was going to be in it, so I looked out for it when I went shopping today. Lovely answers from Denise in it aren't there.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

For anyone who'se interested:

Love Never Dies closes on Saturday 17th August ....

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Mouse its the 27th. Which is actually even worse for those people who booked hotels, planes, etc. to be at cast change the next weekend.

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Anyone watching Wimbledon? For us tennis fans, it's great that there's a roof now - and I see Andy Murray's match has disrupted all the BBC schedules for tonight (which won't go down too well with non-tennis fans). Come on Murray!!!

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

I see Lee has tweeted that he is watching his daughter having her first swimming lesson from Mummy,how sweet I would love to see that

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Just felt like coming in and doing a swirly kind of dance all over the place, simply because it is now so , so , sooooooo close to the Kilworth concert and I am having a build up of excitement which needs dealing with!!!!

Wooohoooooooooooo! Yabba yabba!

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

Just thought I'd pop in and see what this thread is "trending" on, and lo and behold, it's Lee's crotch!! Whatever next!
Can't say I have ever looked....much...

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

I have just been reading all the questions put to Lee for WOS can anyone tell me where I can see his answers thank you

Re: Any THEME Will Do.........

There is a lovely stage door pic of Lee with a
young fan, presumably taken this evening, on
her twitter page noora7. Perhaps someone could do
a link to it.

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